Page 78 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 78
Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, THE GOLD BUG . I FAT",,:!I 01-' FOO'l'8ALL Dr..H) I ~.Estllbllsbe~l ISM" weekly newspaper devoted to mnlling Walter Camp, noted football man, dies fit I Western 'Maryland College, a Bigger, hotel while auendtna a convention in New THE FIRST NATIONAL BANI( [letter matttuuon, and publlshed I Yor-k. by the students Cor the college. le~I~~~~~~!s·n~~~tO~n:D\~:~{~h~.~~:~~i~I~~~oa~~ OF WESTMINSTER 0--0--0--0 uectlon with amieucs. p.artiCularly.: ..toot- WES'I'.lrISS'l'EH- )L\HYJ.ANn Enlered at Pust Office at 1_Vestminster, Md., ~:lIhn;T°Il:~:~tegd'e~\;<\~~:r~~:I:~~~ll~f: gt~,~: CA.PITAI, $J2ii,OO() $J2:{,tIOO.OO nS,~ec(}nd-class mall matter, since his gratluatlen from Yale. and he' . AC(;l'pt~d fo!' mailing at special rate of came ;0 0; known -~rfeCllonatelY as, "~he I~acob !'rVeaver, Jr.,' President. po:~~g~f ~t:i::: 3~olo1~. ::~~~~iZ~~I03 ~:~:~~e ~\:eoot~~~er?~~e ~~~~~mt:~~stH~~ Lewis K. Woodward, ~ice-Presidf;nt, the playlug code, whluh he eussestec nrul IGeorge R. Gehr, Cashier, February 7, 1924. \\'Illch were allopted, not only revolution- 0--0--0---0 ized.'uutvirtually recreated Lhegame.· [01'I ~-----~----~ . As a ntarer on Yale rooeban teams Sll!1~<:rIPti~I(~v:~~~~;2.~6p::.U~~al~lUynble ID !~~e~~~l;~f~/'b:~~~~~'stl:~t:~:~tp~~t~h:nJa~~: Run To S HIP LEY'S for EAT S 0- --0--0----0 improvements ill tile game which h'e evolved 'nre GOLD BUG STAF'P ~~~I~~a~~a~~I~m~lCt~:~~edl~Yw~~e(i~;.~:;~O\;~;i~~~ HIS HAM SANDWICHES C. Roland Wilson '1ij Vlanaging EditOl' eumhency as cunh-men of the cOlllmitlee ~illl~~~l~e;i~e~;~y~ "26' .,.. ~~~~~ii~~~ ~~;~~::1~;~:tl;~!sg~~lew~;fcshe~tl~~S~\;~I:egl~~~I~/IOng CAN'T BE BEAT Do"othy Beachley, '26 News Edlwr SU!l'S'e~tedYllr,lage jtequtrement, Gilmore Lippy. '27... . News Editor The ru-st r-evnlut.Ionary chang-e in th~ n. :llcD. Garrett, '26 .... , .. Athletic Bdltor gridiron game suggested hy Milo.oemu was Derardtne Prf tchard, '26... Athletic E(lito)· the rule requiring five yards' gain in three A FRESHMAN DOWN EVERY ·W. Ballm-d warn. '26 •..•.• Busiu(!SS .~I~l'. uowne. That was in 188:{and was th!! first HOUR FROM SEVEN TO TEN I,(!Wis K., '27 ... Assl.. Bus. ~lgr. step that led to lhe mOdeI'll style or play. Hobert Unger, '27 ... . .. Circulation .\'Igr. He also Buggested the change to len yardS'j ;'~~~~~:0~'G~ai.o~Vi·121~"'.'.·.~~~lt~n?~;C~~l;~~~I;:~a~~l/i:ef~~~' ~f(~l~~SinSI~:~~'in l'epreSentlng --. ~--------~ . r . , ' •. '" ' I ~~l~)',~~a;I~~~~U~a~~~le~~,tec~~!l?sUI~~!at~!~ Babylon & Lippy Co. in his capacity as athletic adviser, I II I. S. CHIJ. SEltVICE t;X.\"II:II,\IIO~S servJ.ce to the universit.y was performed I have just received communIcations from aflerwartl the U. S. Government with respect to Civil ""hioh emlhraced a nnm\)el' or actidtles. He FLORSHEIM SHOES for. twenty years Rnd Cor a I S~rvice Examinations. which wil.l be given hat! heen a memher of the university ath- in ).1arCh.28th. and agahl on April llUI. . 17t\C committee STETSON HATS The one which will close on March 28th IS s1milar per'iotl was treasurer of the Yalc Fi- ~~.n~~:m~~~:er;co~hll~u~~zca~~~ :'~ljC~I nanci~l unl~l.~ rou'nded. 1nternational Made-to-Measure Suits pays any I l'L~~~,;\~ua~emind me fo!' all ,the worid I c.l.o~eson ~PrJ; is an examinatiOll fo)' JunlOl' I HUG ~.;W~ Cl~l!eS;~;:~I~~:'.~~n;;:~~~r 8nglneer of Heavy Wool Sweaters where from. $1860~o $e400 per year; while I b ~ow cO~le: Sam? GripPsul'e Basket-ball Shoes $3.00 ~~~~Oo~o~lv~~OS;~;l~~a~.x[\minel' pays !ro-m You're ao -sweet andunrefln~d, na~i~~~n'e~::o ~:~~nrl:re~~~!~ t~l~i~r~~a~~~:I ga~~~re's no ~ women aren·t, "JOHN" R. \'1'. I through The Gold ,BUg e(~l:~r.--,c: Well, they're ~nt'e{l ellO\ll1.h. E vel' ready SOP!!:;! 11ml st;~rlJns I F .. '1.-He's fairly malle of gold. Very courteous The Sophomores Ca'llle "ut victorians In S. )f,-Don't you believe It, he's to::. fll11 E l'l'Ol'less attention a tightly conlested, snappy game a~ainsl oJ brass. I the Seniors. Urged on by very ardent root-I --- Right style ers, both teamspul forth th~ir best effol'ls, II The poor fi~h ill specllia. ting a;;nin. YOll I H air cutting . an,(\ made this game the livellest and fastest MY?; A Iso or the inter-class series. Very good pa.s:; Yes. up to his neck in OIL R d work and swift 1l1a}'ing wel'e displa1.e(~ by The Sardine! --. -- • az?rs hone tllnes I hoth lhe Seniors al1<1So-phs. Several 1Ol1JCS the SeniOl'S had the lead, ond, the eud o[ Prof,-'\Vlia[ is a ~nstant·C\lrrent tl'an~- The Drily Bar'ber and Bobllel' at the ~~lee~~~~efl~~o~~\l:esti~r S~l~l~j'll;~I~~efJl;~a:~~!O~T:I~~_l!las i Forks {h~e .Ij~~~~. !~~k l~~e flo~:lo~.t:S~l\t:~~sro~L~lll pr-ot.-Y,Ou'l'p;wron . g yon flunk! :"---~--~~~~-~ ~Iabel Smuh scored for the Seniors, olld Bm·bel·-~<1l.;; clipped? CHARLES KROOP "Fordl.a" rolled up the Sonhs' ~COl'e, ThllS C'o-ed.~No thankS, might neerl it. Leading Shoe Repair Shop the cooed lnter-class basket 'hall champion- ahip was won by lhe S9_l)hs. Sbe---
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