Page 75 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 75
'I'he Geld Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page a, , JJEI'l"r,\'I'IO~ I . 'J'la,lI VlSl'I'S Sl'la:snr,Lt: i EX('I'lIent I'Nl!.l'l'mU Gh'tm At St. 1'lIul'~ unurcn. D. Greenebaum & Son I I I Sunday morning, }Jal'cli gtn., the depute- lion team of western College, Y. W. ren-esenung the Y. :\L and :\lal'ylallll or-gantzn- nOIlS, visited the St. Pal~l's church at Sykes- Hanover, Pa. I ville, Md. An lutereating was course of com- The I billed songs and worship presented. I~:;S~h~d~\~~.j:c~~~,~~!I;e~~~l tO~~~'~SHI~~U;~~~ was followed by another on "Intr-ospective Will display ideas in young men's apparel in the Hesem'cb." whlch was pr-eaun rad by "'Jr. ,Trader. "Tile HOUM Inside of You" was ;.~:l~it.\:tl~I~: :1ll1~~.~~il~1e~~~~~!~s :\:; College Club Room l).v YfIS~neee. who sang two solos, and ?Jr . • .totmscu gave several setecnone on the ! violin. .~11·. Grippln led the song eervrce ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I""'''''m',-_.- aadtence III ~r~~'e~O~~~~C\;i~n~he[o:net~~n~'Ylll~~s~n~m~~I~ Wednesday, March 11th, 1925 A large the soloists, II comuanled atf ended. and the team met with a heal·t)' I1 = Y. W. C. A.. U1DI8EltSIIII' IlIlIn: VlNCENT VALIANTI CON E Y ] S LAN D cn~:~'\~;II~~el:la~e~l'~:!~!~ZI~~I:b~~·'r~:~ conunttteea n-om each class have been grveu Style Tailor HOT WEINERS charge of the program for theh reenecnvo I r+aeses rile campaign WII] only last <1 Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing W. Main Street I week and the eommtueea buve concent.ruted the I efforts In enter to reach me goal S() committees rUI the Sopuomore 76 E. Main Street. Phone 38·W I classes together 0' With me dllVe Y are ahead Ioaing At the erose the the B A S E Cab met W \\111 enrertata The competitors tile \\IUII(ng H A IRe U T . 0 S .....~K BALL illeul and It Is hoped uiat by the end of the - glt Is at e IeSjlOll(lmg well to una new ap- Hili have THE RIGHT WAY ¢,. 'b.... ((:I week eve rv gill on College worthv WIll asaocta- uecome \ 1ll0mhel of Lllllt I ~==~H~.~W=. D=.S~M=IT~H====I ~~;~~WE'LL SOON BE OUT I UO:'", mo",:-~:::if~::~:rookies was en THAT OLD "APPLE" "-- THROWING AROUND rotten that the Captain 109t hts tempe\ of p-uct(linghea(~ed \011 slah rooted hunch W I as ern Maryan IF YOU NEED A NEW GLOVE, I ~~li~lt;"~r~~€l~)~e~, c~~~~y~~~Vo~ar;~l\~I;;e~{~ I d G II 0 ege A PAIR SHOES is a ]lllllply~race U en s SI d I SLIDING OR . I ing indignantly, Ib-a.'hoon to tal,e charge IU('n- of Then YaH, you llig uun(:11 of IbOOlbs!" PADS, etc.. he added: "Noll', liellteu- gll'e two houl'aof ant, \lIke '('jlll (lntand 'i!tn are welcomed by 'I ANYTHING IN SPORTS, I hell." --- SEE m;,", """,,1- WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE BONSACK'S ~' to kiss you Nusbaum & Jordan I ; Stt. \toe I'oh'" ,ls'n:n·SO('IE'r\' Ot:'Bj\'rt: ANNOUNCEDI OIa!-:-Are yon reatly to have me 1)1':1'1' in Dry Goods & "Ready T 0 Wear' th a J? 9-11-13 E. MAIN STREET I Ci~:~eS ~~~:I~ete!~n~~l~c~~tl~no~h~~eelg~:~~n!~= ~!~~I;_:_Jllst ~ mln-Ull' .till I get me f~et day mortling Iby Professor Wills. Browning' ~~:ler It so 1 kill stenul' It heuer. Now, let er 1'0'111 be represented hy MIS'Ses Coonan • .'.1as-: '" - _ Have yOli ~een? !~(~r;~t(:.B~~~ll~~;il~I~~th~!~S d!:f~;:Y\\'~I~I ~~I-;~~~/i,~lf~~:~~1~{jI:III\\O::ethe Irnek I , 1 be ~1laseS Strange, Ime. RI(lh Jones, anu! ale ror Ilinch. ~~~~~;a e~~~r~;,le;1.a!~~ g;~~.te;~~ ~~Ib~:~~I Pmfes1;or Will~-lsTleal,tllg or the play I of the Ulll,~edStates should be ratified by I Wenry Wnlter$-rrn an under-tollel "The 'The New WALK-OVER OXFORDS ~~llildl~~~~e: t:me~~~~V;td t~h~~etl~o~~it~I~~~~ I~~:~~~~~'~?.."Wht1t II'U9 striking IIhont th~ N W'd T i ~::tS,t;;:~ern ~f~~y~=~d~~~Il!~eUf~t:~~st~~~~ swords." fm' :Men an d W omen, a ew t e oe wOl'tuwhile activIties. , This p-lallo remincts me or Al!ia \1inol', --- I I It iSfluite anclellt for a fact. Early to hed Yilil, lllll) its got II (lenr! C In it. l~arlytorise - __ J. Thomas Anders And y(]l\ miss h'aU ARk the ."1uc],;v four" it they had a gOQ(\ or yonr college erllll'atlon lime in ~ill'er Rnn lnst Sun(b,I'.
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