Page 72 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 72
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster. Md. CO w:~:~t::ther & Son 1'1~~I:i~~~~~'~:I;~~~~';~,~,~;:I W~~:~~:~t~~A~~r,~~~~eOF ' a. 7 00 o'clock rnc 'I'hectoga are m a I process ot reorguuteatton and It Is very tm he pr-esent III IlIllT Of liS' 81 1'1'11 t 51 merouer that every Leading Store the regUlal: meeting room, 143 Ward nan. I uortant, The Caibl11et or the v. :\1. C. A, held a A:"'iU meeting Saturday night at the home of Dr, Alter the meeuug WESTMINSTER, MD Stephens. proved very a,llle 01'. anti :\11'11. (;f~~.;IL\I. 1I,\]{UWAlIE entertainers. Stephens ~~~~~~~~~~~~I@\'en the "punch" was there. Does Your Watch Keep Right Time'! Class basketball games for the boys have been arranged by the Y. :'.1. C, A. and will Smith & Reifsnider Does Your Fountain Pen \\'rite'! be played on Tuesdays ailli 'rtmrsdays. Let's Go! Is Your Pencil In Good Order'; I,,,· names " char ie,-";I"", COAL I" Let's all turn farmers. -rcur If Not Bring It To LUMBER Westminster Jewelry A shlney "flivver," with gallant Knights I was ver-y much ill evidence. from vtrgtu!a floating in the ruin Sunday. For [unher II BUILDING SUPPLIES InfOl'matiou Shop gillinhelle$. ask severer of the Senior vlr- \\'f:S'I'.lrIN'S'rl-:lI, )l'AUYI,,\)'U, v:« will re'pail' it at a reasonable] "P~:~:lY':·P~~I~~·S:~~lt~(\'!l~~~~~~·~~~~~~ price. 10% reduction ninde on mer-i ~~~'I~~~(~~I~~~S~:~~ ~Uel~~bIVS~~~Il~~~P'~:~I~g~\F. A. Sharrer & Son chandise for students, and faculty. I Why did the lights go out after the play \ J. FRANCIS HEESE, '13, Prop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~1~~~~Ytonll~~l~:,Either oarreu 01' "Susan" COURT LUNCH 'WOUld be fair rescuers were disappointed I ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE at 8:&-0Sunday rucrntng when the "tramp" WM, E. ECSHENBACH, Prop proved to be ot.~or :>.tnbel! I BRUNSWICK RECORDS C'U:"'iFt:("I'IO"t:II\'. SOHA 6;, 4'lG.\IIS xtoet of the Juniors are walking al'D1I11I] 187 E. Main St. "hair-shot," DI\ Bare Is to ornme. The Latest Dance Music. Ph ito has chORea for its reureeenmuves ~~~~~~~~~~~~ WESTMINSTER 5c & lOc STORE on me inter-society debate, :'Il1rll\1l1Strange. SEE YOURSELF Lelia nne, and Ruth ,I(llle". wnh F'r-auces 67 E. Main St. Westminster Auorew s as Hlterllate. next door to AS Westminster Meat Market Feeds ! None hetter! new memuer of the Thelma ccmter II Same Goods at Lower Prices. Sophomore ctusa, gave n (\andy teetl :\10n- WILSON day evening rcr the Sophs' basket bnll team. We're fol' ),OU,'I'belmn! D. S. GEHR I Anne Lauder (IDeSget the oesc boxes! SEES YOU 'l'here WIIS a big feed and a card pilrly III I'Jlhel HOl'lH'Y'$ l'OOIll Saturday cI'elling, Wilson' Studio Wholesale and Retail The largest score was held by Lelia Hile, t.hat wonh! bbl~~~~~~~~~~~~ the appetite-well, largest HARDWARE meaa. 'hut YOII(~()I1]dn'thlame '1'.111,l)e('allae 'l'!tK.~ \'OL'n SIIOE the ealS SlIl'ely were good. 'I' nOli H I, I':S "0 "KATZ" WEHLER & KING UUl]GGISTS The Rexall Store WESTMINSTER. M['
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