Page 73 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 73
THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 19 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. March 10, '25 "'U''',,', ,\,,,[ L!.,~~,~I~"",,,,,[,Iu ."" II ","'~~.~~~~,:~, H,~~,~",~~~\~~,~~~ InI BASKET ~,ASlHlORTEEMAMEN"lOSESTO HIstory 01' College. Smilil Jlnll. the Edi-I ---- L'. S. Nanll Ac:~dern}' ~'jrs1. 'l1,elllU To He '.~ret. On the morning of :\1ul'ch 4th.. Pocthal l is not the only department of torial BORL'd{l,r ~'he Aloha ha~ a SU1)er- Th~ basket ball squad left Saturday mor-n- western )Iurylu11d arnteucs that is making I Hett-odyne radio tnstaned III Snuth Hall, rcr I lug (01' Lheatertown. :,>'iul'yland. Sal era I rapid strides thts year. for ueganntng AIlI'j]Ilh.e purpose or hearing the President's ad- difficulties wer-e encountered, however, be- )1aUn~yll~~~1ln~~~;~~ ~.\if~:,~~.~~: ~~:~!dO~\\'~leIO~\~~~~~~ke:~d~~~e o~~:~'s: I f~~~e~l~n~~i~:i:~~nG~~~1 ~~·~g~:s~e\~,~S~~~S: ~~~te~~h hardest and longest. scneuute ever played way the audience, About eleven o'clo~k, going over as far as 'rotchester. and much II) the history or the institution. Roland W\OAopstarted to uroaucaet the ceremonies amusement was furnished 'by "Denny" and Wilsall. manage I' of tanulsro\' the coming whlch were taking place dn the Senate "Reds." After- -leavtng the 'boat thay ran season, has corresponded with a.bout twenty Chamber. We thel} heard different parts of into rrcubte. which proved to 'be none other dlfl'_erent colleges llr,g College. at home, GIIII,S' \,,\RSI'I'Y .'lEETS DEfJo,A'I' were ahont halfway acrosS' the gay. their )Olay23-Dlckinson College, at home, The Western .\laryl.and Sextette last Sat- attention was drawn to an airplane that ),Iay 3'O-(Pend,lng}. urday afternoon agalll met de[eut at the, CirdlHi arollncl the shop. The squad _o_ I hands or !.he :-'-Iarvland State Normal glrla'l r\IAhed up on the deck and wel'e surpr,ise(] UEI,TA SIG]'" K,\I'PA f:XTERTADit:n by a score of 33-28. Tbe game. was played to see someone lean over the side of the air- . at Towson, The Westerll Yialyland glrLs plane and throw a weig'hted pnckage down De~~:t S~~~a~~~~l~t ~!~t~~~ai~:;' ~~lbj~l~~~: ~~~ ;:mae.s:;:~t l~~;~~~:P~I~ ~fdhet::\l~~r~oc~~~ to them .. They all grabbed fa\' It at once l)as'ket 'ball first and se-eond in thell' favor during the first three-qllRI't- and hllrl'ledly opened It, nIHI read as fo-I- Lawyer, Blocber, Turner, Robinson, li'ink- el'S, Accurate PRSS wO)'k, and quIck SIIOOt-IIOWS: '''ro t.he W. M. 'basket ,na1\ team: hiue, Pittman. Jones. ,sommerville, Benson. lug l'oHed UP the score in the last quarter Will m-eet you at pie\''' (signer\) "Siller." ~~~u~:.~~:g:'D~~t~.' ~:~~h~~~;ore~et~dl~:ve t~: ~~:y!~~er~~~r~;~~s~~\,hO;~m~I::I\\ti~~t~a~~~~~~ In:3. g lne their astonishment to see the .coach their guest ":'o'lot!ler Wi1l~," }'1lss Reese. and lIud an ever changing ~core kept players I,sallln g over their heRcls towal'{ls BaltJmore. t.he Delta Pledges, aud on-lookerS at the heIght or euthusiasm. Sure enough "Barney" lUet them at the pier, The I)arty was gIven In con~lderation of The line-up wa~,: I and was bombarded wUh ·questions from :~I:m~al~~d~~~:nnn~h:PI\~~~~ t.isl~~i~an!~~ ~~~m(ll P~~~t~,1l W\V~~~OC~I' everyone, Tits Information gra(lnally came the party to be mainly an "eating" one. Wilson 'l... ,F. Allnutt ont, and they found OllL that Liellt, },IUHy )lerry groups of ,girls collected around the DeSamb,otlrg C. Lawder I Benson, '17 WIIOhad been over to see the lIttle tables In a cozy way to enjoy tllna- HanWRV S. C. Brown game, had hroughl Coach Spier to them fl'~h~al.~~;llsOarl~II~~ya~~e~o~~~;e than their g~l:a\d.son ll: 'g: ?lc:I~~i!~ Next came dinnel' in Bal.ti11l0re ~Ollowe(1It;: riltlaLs ill !lte athletic world. bUl no one Substitutions: W. M. C.-Rosenstock for I an uneventful mOlOI' tnp to 1,'estmlnster. ('(Hlld pos~\,hl,.. exeef'd the social charms of Smith; Bevard for :\tIcAlplne. Normal- The trip lVas oyer, but the experieuce~ wi!i Ill€' l.enm~. Shepperd for Col!!, stfl.VwIth Ih<,m nlwflys.
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