Page 79 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 79
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3. = 11n~S'l'EHN ilrAHY'.LA:'W Hi"'.I'En-t:OI,. UWfA'I'E DEIU'I't;US pnEP,\JtEll }'OR [.'I'I','UI. IlF.HA'I't; On ?lln.l"ch the 20Lh the western Mar\V- l~nd. Colleg-e debating teams wlll make their fir~t real attempt U~ Inter-CollegIate de- iJatlilg. All or the membars of th-e teams I arc old men and experienced along me lines 0f clear cut arguing. These men have been on Inter,,~oc!ety oebmea, and have shown 1 themselves to be worthy men to represent I thGe~~;~~l~1~.ga1:i~:~r~:~~t!~U~~. have one at the best debating teams in the East. She has sent tills year a strong team cut West. I This team met some of the largest Ijnl- I ve~~:~I~~~~l:da~:re:~e<\~ll::~.~\ber :~~~~a~ive team. at weeuutnsier. Bmh. Ward, W. n. Belton; nega tf va learn, at Gettys,burg, OU1" reu, Day, Hawklna. Spring Styles-Popular Prices- I we have ccufldence men the best of luck, for We wtsh uieae III them. ,]t;l-'n:nSMi'S 1'.3N nrLJ-:S Come in and see our display N,EV:l!:R nut orr until tomorrow What you can no touuv. 'in the Clubroom N:J1VEJR trouble another fo)' what YOIl can uo voureetr. N.WER spend money hetore yon have earned H. Thursday, March 19th. NI~VillR buy wnat you don't want because It ts chea n. l~~i(~ costs more than hunger, thirst, a1111 €EQALITY~HOP I N6~-\':iNG ts trouuteeome luning eaten too repent of WID seldom nine we do will- II (ollar HugClothes 1/ I H~~~I;~U~l!pain the evils have cost us that L liJltimorelllll/ib!ZfYJtnTfs ~~~~ t~;l!~~.~.R~~:~~~:1It~!f~!~~O~~l~l~~)!~~~e;. happened. have never ~It~"'A~l"'I~B~~t~S~~~k~"'I~~'O""''''.~~'''B~'''A~~S~~E~ITI:E':::r.W:~':S:::::'~:~:;:'ld;:':C1":I)IIL'E u pea s 9'!Q" U,o.c£~~o Septernae r 26.-11ut.lonell Ijutveraf.ty at r l'l S r,ALOIN1J!fl Did You Know That One Of The! I ~~,""'..,. BALL Bucknell stadium. of :'.1arylan(1 at a.-University October <:t Pr-inciple Features of the <~~ ?.:~. . st~~.,I~~;e~OW~B~l~I·~il~.t~~ couege. Hoffa . ' fle~~tO';';':I~t~I.~~.!"S.i\I~~rines, HA MMOND BOYS WE'LL SOON BE OUT I ""'",,n. wasntngton, D. C. jJlark Griffith ... perul- 0"""" 24.-I,oyol.Coli"e,pi", Typewriter I THROWING ::~~N~~D "APPLE" ~!i~l~ro~~~s~~;~~~/1"(tnCiS College, H{)ffa '1 IF YOU NEED A NEW GLOVE t Novemher 7.- .u. 8'.' Naval Acnitemy, l<~ar- was th~ advantage ~f TWO SET~ oE A PAIR SHOES, . nl~~~e~~,t~/t~~~~~:hi~~io:1College, Hoffa TYPE III the machine at all times I SLIDING PADS. etc.. fi~I
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