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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No. 21 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. March 24, '25 ~~~~~~~,g!~~~d~,P~:~~}~:17J Veteran Backsto~ T~ Ca~tain Ilnter·Coliegiate Debaters Divide Western Marylands Nme Honors basket-batt guure hod been 1'10"" 'b"~~" I !he. two gll'is: liter~.!·y.~oCi~.tiessince In2. : _\. ~!a~,s, t~~~\~~se~),O~r.S\~r;c~~.WI~::II:e~\~:,~~kC:tfc~~6eO~~~,I~e:,.e:rl~~ILFol'! Ol~"'F;li~;y'e~~~\il~~g:L'~~:~r~:ri~I~~li)\II~tu~~ith Pia? er-a, sho\~ed a mal ked suuer-rortty. Each: )Inrylnntl Yarslty, To Lead Tile I uen. rue weereru ~\'lar\'lall(1 debaters Day ;~I;Ji~,~~:e~l1tyert;:l~:~~. the team. and her I 1f12;, 'I,' 00 The uramenn. ! Garrell a:nd !-~awkins 'successfully ~pheld tll~h'~r~~~mf~r~!~~ ~~~~l'r~l~t~hedB'BI,SI;OP,: )l~lt ~llmt~~l'~fh~:tl~heo~S~4~~~~l:~,I,1,~~~i:~:II ~J;~i;t~~~~I\-~)'oS~leG~:ty~\)~~~lItCo~~~e,re~:~ wneon W ),1 C "l ' ¥r lO\;~u~'jclark' veteran of tnree seasons. was unani- nuesucn for debate was, Resolved: "That t~e :~~.~nt ~iih~IS~~~'~~:' f;I~~bfl~\ a~\l;\~~t~ ~~~~s~~dele~~~~n~l~~\! th~o~I;~ te~~nOp~,'~I;~I~;~I~iSI~~~~~ne~~;~~'llaS:~~I:dFO~I~o~~2~~: fhe "g~~e::~' ct lf C l;r' 0 dBI'~wnllng, were I "FatS" is one of the most versatile men,ool; I' ernment." the Gettyabnrg de,balers advo- I ' -eu ie orwar a, n ute center the diamond, havtne plenty oe aenc and ceuus the change while the Western '1arv- p~~~I~~ ~:~ll'e~'~eiiie~~~n~~c~e~I;\~~ i~ll~~~e~tl~'~'i!l:j I I;i;:: ~1}1~ltf~~~~o~\~I~I~:H~~~;-se~OI'~~leor,~:;:~e:~ ~~Llr:i~:~:i~~l~~~n~lr~:~~~~la~;~ ~~~~~~ IIf~~~!~a~u~k~1la~l\~;~eS1~1~~~~~~'lal;Jl~n:~0I~~lSi ~~:'~I_~I~I~~\lt(.lerell(ie(\the IlresenL type or ~~OV~d°to be an~I~!~e;i~~:I~~il~:~d t~~~~l'(IS, ~V~!:lnger ~~d Lewis showed their his team to victor;)'. Clark received hi,s' _\'1aryland men stood head and shoulders IIIAt ytllas II0 ln~r~. h. hi . pre-pLIlI;ill the high school at Queen Annes I ahove thtlir a(lvers~r!es. TheIr irrefutable ;:ol1ed :p ~an{9~~ret:r 1~5~ga~~f~lKro~~ni::'~· ~v~~I~esI~~ e~ll:p~gU~'i~~g::;:\':~~r~O~:r!e~ll~ ;~:;~'C(~:I;l'cuutllsa:;!~~~~'b~~1l~:f::'~~~Ua~dtl:~t: ~d B~~,Wt~ll:~fin~~~e~~r'tl;:n;~::I:dl~~t~co\~~ :Il:~li:~:[~~r,~~~,~~~~~f~~l.both at hat. allti ill ~~fl~~~nl;:!~II~~I~)':'Se~~t::rne*hv:C:~~~~nL~rt~~ stood 25-17 III theIr favor. flO]Iell ,lllswel' ~'Irsl Cull. 1 which all three of Westerll :\[arylaud's The I!fo1e-up: Cast )londar WaJI lhe first day sllit~hlf' dehater;j. handled both theil: constfliCtive BrOWning Philo for pI'uctice, 'alld rl'oma call issued h~' alld then l'e'i)lIllal speeches lllllslratfil the Dl.ocher F. Wilson lleud Coach Shroyer 30 new mell I'e- hcl'ghr.s ot dehaling power possible of al- Stone F. AlinuU ~poll{letL Among tll~se. Young, SmHh. lainllle1l1 Lauder C, Ste'\'ensoll A!lams, (tnd~'orbes look the 1II0st promjs- C~nditiOl\s fOl' the debate were of llighest Rosensto~k S. C. .Brown Ing for the illfield, WhIle LOllg, 'rhOlllll~'-'!l, o~·de!'.. All elllhll~iaSlil: croll'(] of lIberal :'.lcAlpillll G. Willinger !lnd Benllett look like good malerial fo!' Ihe' dlinenSlOns lind 01 eucol1raging proclivltl-e~ Smith G. Lewis garden, j attended the de,bate. The pI"oceeding's ,,'el'e SulJstitutes: for Stone. _t;1~·1ItOld .Uell Rack. tonlro.Iled by PrOf. James B. RanCk, head of Stone for ROSelW>tock: Phllo-.\1arsh ror From last year's squad, only 'll1tthew~ Ihe BIstOl'Y De.pal'lmellt aL We~tet'll M.ary- LewIs. Beave.r for :'.lal'9h. Rnyme for Beav- nlltl Gallo\\-ay were .lost ,by graduation, The lund. The deba~illg counCil was rery er, )Iarsh tor Wilson. old mell reponing for the first day's WUI'k-jfortunate in Secul'Illg a~ jud.~es Rev. R. R. __ .___ out were Grolon, varsity onrflelder for ihe Genois. of the Proteslalll-lDjliscopal church, JUnn.AXD COLI,EGES DlXE ~:~~e;,w~fYl::~.s~e;';:I~,I~~:~~~r~~~~!y ye~;.~'t1;I ~11:~I'I~~;'a~{ee'~~leS~nt\ge~f~eel~~Il'J)~ct~lr:o~~ ,--- lllemhlll'S of the leam: Gj'l'l'ett. varsity I' ol'b~t~]'S ill.the (.:ollll'ovel'~Y.,brought iu a Dellnte l\helher Pe~lt~elleJ)elllis 011 ArmNI short-SLOp for LWO.!1-easons:captain Clar];; (lee.ISI.OIlot two ,to one In fa'vor of the furce. I AI'Ugiani, varsity backstop; Hines. B\'halll neg/nJl,e anti or \\estcrll )[arylanll, The fLnal intercollegiate dinner this year /Iud ~l()rrill. veteran pitchers, and TayklJ'. On the same evening allolher Western ~~ c1 ~;~ I:~I~,i(¥S~~~:s1~:I(ih~~~;~([:;t l~i~l~~g~~ ~a~l~r~v~-~'I?'~r ;~:sS~;; e~a ~~;~~r 'l!~~e\);~~ ~~~ ~~.'~l;.~l,a~~~Iit';;~~;o~~j~i~~~~;e~r l~IS;~t.~~~~~~ the FrlE'nds' ~leel!llg I-IOllse, III Baltimore. ing for the garden, aud is expecteli to pili 1,0lIebat~ the utfirmntive side of lhe ques- i-i~~~~:;~,~~~~~~~)(bl'i~-t~i~l,~~~!;rSaCIlll~~da~~ \lP\~il~ICI~'1P:~:'llt v:;'~~~:t~i~lr'SllCh as ,pre-! ~~~gl~~l1~I~~gaal~~t~a~~~l~~~~~e~r~!et;~~:~~ll~~ Kempel. sen,tet! Ih}'the first llay'S workont, the PI'OS- College. The conlest. was hel~! in J3rua Que of Ihe feaLUres of the el'enlng was II )lect I'ooks ven' bright for a sliccesM'u\ sea- Chapel and Professor of Eugli~h preshlN! debate on the subject: "Do QlIr National SOli. Af'lay26 WestmilJSter A, C., Westminster. war. and we must create behind the ma- Aj)ril S U, S. :-:i'llvalAelHtemy, Anllapolis. JUIlE' Ii \V8l!tmillstel' A. C.. Westminster. chlne:'y II: world opInion 110strong' that
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