Page 74 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 74
Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG I Robe rtn D, Carnes '20 ds touring tile COl-I "Established 186:1" A weckly newspaper devoted to maklug leges M the Southern states lecturing on ] Western !\1ar~land College, a .Blgger, !k~~~~i~~l~i~~e~j~it~ ~ra~~o~l~iq~~!d~~~l:~~~~THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Better Institution, and published I 01 the W. C. T. U. severer Western Mary- OF WESTMINSTER by the students tor the college. IIandel'S met her In oreeusnoro and High ,--~,--, I Point. WESTltllNSTEU - ltfAUYI,AXn Entered at. Post Office at Westminster, 11c)., L. Irl'ing eotuuaesrokeoerc-e the con- CAPITAL $12;;'000.00 SU.H1'LliS $1:!!I.600.0(l as secone-craes 1ll,UiI matter. I veutlcn luncheon of the Murylnnd Public, J b J W J P e" d t Accepted for mailin~ et special rat.e of uuuuee A.ssocia~ion. last week. I aco. . eaver, r., r. SI en '. ' postage pr-ovldeu tor III section 1103 --- '16 i~ (lean of High Point I LeWIS K. Woodward, Vtce-President, Act of OCLOb~r3 1917 authoriee.l .Nat Harrison FebL'Uar; 7. 1924. College, Hi'gh Point, N. c. George R. Gehr, Cashier. "--~,--, I Some one said the 'banquet in Baltimore SUh~('I'ipiion )l,rices, by mail, JJ,aYil( in "God's I --- :~~-~~~-~ great out-o-[-doors" 'and live, really live! Delaware senl at leI0)13your mental faculUes in a most en- Price '0'8. Smyrna. V joyarble fashlo-n. It 'I!.'lJ.sentsyou from e'ry courteous grind or the class room, dU,ring til-e warm Jesse :\loffett, '23. ,and wife .ar-e receiving Errorless attention on the ,iJirth of a baby girl. I weather. and help.~ yon to be ,~ent,al1y cong'l'atnlaUons Right style IIwake: on the alert. It not only grv-es you They (H'e living al BetterlOn. 11d. Hair cutting f~n~v!~~r~~~i ~~Itll!~ ~~~~.l,O~~ldth;I.~~~~~~II~;I --- I A Iso f;~~.,~o~~·\~~o~C~~I;'.onl'body is hl'°C~~{. j~,O R~'.e F'~~~,I.l~~~~~!~~(:2~.U~'I~~·~P~t~,~e~?J!;~~I ~ ~~f~:honed -- ..- .._- - I rectluUr. --- I The Only Barber and Bobber at the '\LU1\I~I XO'I'ES Secolld Lieutenant D.ayid Hottenst.ein' l Forks The BalLimore lI'eekly luncheon day hus '22. Coast AI·tillery. is releiyed [ro-m assign- ~~~~_~~ ~~ ~~e;l ~h~n~,~d at~!;~~t~:The llillch(>(}n is I ~1~~l~e;Od~ht~~~~~~~a~~o~: ~Ie~~ a~~e~~fvn;: CHARLES KROOP --- I at such time as will ellable him to cc>mpl} n W 'Woolforll 88 has lOme(l the fla\U- ""lth thIS ordel antI will ploceed at Ule Leading Shoe Repair Shop mOle luncheon club plOllel lime for :.lew YOlk City He Will ___ sall on OJ about Malch 4th 192;) VIR gol'- 21) "'us! iUuJIl Sheet l!e~nl~:~~I~I~erl~~~!S an'~iver~~~~I'~~e~un~I~SI ~!!~~~~t t~apn~;o~:~!t~~~ ll;O :\I':n~l:hi~~~~~~ For College Students Only: IIlg I'iUhthe BaltllnO~ll on the 27th I ~~:1120~~~~~I;~~11G~~~r~fP~;ttl:~ ~l~~~:;li~~ 'Men's soles and Goodyear R. heel~ Dep-llrtment fol' assiP,lment to dnty with the I ar~~'b:lt~I~;T~1o~~~O~t~~:B~alled for Europe, ()Qaat Artillery Corps. $1.50 L,' . II-,"k '_·I~-:~g-;;_\·.--;it wel'e not I'Ladies' soles and Goodyenr R. l1eels Reward is offered tal' tIle attendsnce or' " ~,,,,,, n f;I~~~;:OI:~~ndley (It the Washington weekly ~~~ ;~~w~~~I'~~~~'(I~o~~lI~r)leople would not $1.25
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