Page 13 - BlackandWhite1924
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BLACK AND WHITE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WITH A PURPOSE )1. 1. No.3 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Feb. 5 124 I-Eds End Year With Victory Alumni Ban~uet Huge Success 1':<;Busketualt Season 'renntnntes With ~:I-itl Win nver Noruml SChool. 'i·l. nturda y, Feb. 2.-WestCTll ~larylan(1 co- Sixty-three members of the class concluded their season at 't'owson by tile largest graduation class In the mUng the Normal School girls In a hard- of Lhe ccnege, were the ncncr guests at ~ht game 23~lS. The banquet and examl- Alumni Banquet held at tile H~tel Emer- ens (Ii!! not serve as renl training for son, Baltlmo,re. on Frh!ay evening. Thi,S tetball but the girls employed that extra is ~he first time j~ We annals or the tnsu- se of grit and fight that counts. Quite tuuou that a sell WI' ,class ha~ been enter- umber or fouls were called against W. mtneu by the Alumni as agnf nst the few called on Normal. The banquet was a complete success in Gold and 'Green guards were con- every sense or the word. Too much praise ,ally on the jump and plnyed an excel- ca.nnot ue glven the .~lumni Banquet Com- game, allowing only four ShOlS to (lip n,llllCCfor the ueccrnuon und entertutnment. he basket. Normaj-scoreu her remain- Green and Gold pennants. tile couegc colors, points on routs. The shooting of WiI- were al'tist:clIlly arra ngod on the wens ,~r was the atar remere of tile game. the hall. American ttugs occuuted nronu- ~-up: nent ruacas. . .)f. C. Normal ':\orr!!.Crowder represented the class or son F. Laird 1874. which was graduated [rom this tnstt- ter 1". :\1cCullougl] tuuon tHlY yeur-a ago. Dr. Straughn sutrtt I gave Ten C. ~1cNea\y hts class veu. entertng into the 'If \in~ C, Stokes rlre occasion With ccnairlernhle vnn {lnd, les G, Sheppard vehemence. Caleb O'Connor, with his comic A. E. m:XSON Ipine G. l;Iishv songs find slories, was much In (lemanrl, Il~~~~l~~W::~,~~:~~e~O~o~I~I~(tIpine, Ali- ~~;ji~hut~~l~tr~~~~kl~~(~h~:I~I~r~:,~h~~~~t~~~~: I bO!~~h~h~~eB.e~~~i~\n~~it~~0~~sth~/1'~24~:ii; people laugh who had nel'er lauglle(\ be- I)OssllJle the finest Annual the college hns ----.- .~- forc. Shol·t speeches were ma(le by Dr. A. ever known. Aloha. Goes TO White House ~'ar~~~~~i 3~r~:~Si~t'r~n(IV~~i~:~~~~id:~tat~~ B~;NSOi\ ]'I,ANS ,u:IlIH 1'1I0'l'OS ___ lelies, and Conch Ken 'Shroyer of 'Western Aloha Chle~' to Hure W.n. ~'clliured .'rom l'rPJliilelit CooJhlge nec()FJIt'~ Snb~er' to :vr~·;'.la~~·rd I'eported on the progress West- " 'l'he ,\.11'. IlJ24 W. 1\1.t. Annunl. ern Maryland Is mailing in the campaign Edltor-Ill-Chlef. A. ,R. ~ens~)ll; Raymond E'~itOl"in CI~iefA. E. 'Benso~ of the ~Ioh.a ~~~l~:~~'~~Ois~~eeJ!~e~e~e~~~y~a~~I!h~tc~~:~ I~~~\'t~~~:~n~!I~~:~:~~lS~1:n1~~~~~gt~~~r;~r~ie~~ Stan has recel~e(\ 11request [10m the I r~!'Il- ing numoer or lIppllcants fOl' admiSSion to I \yenner~ A~slstant to the EdltOl'; )'1~I'gal'ct dent of the Unll.ed St.utes that he be malled Western Marylanll. Mr. Byrd spoke ot C. Gartlmel, an.d,ElhelV. ROberts a'sslstU?,iS an Aloha at hiS O\\~ expensil .. However \Vt!stern !\larylnn(] as un ideal college. lJe- to the Ad,vefll8l1lg Manager, are ))Ianmng the Aloha Stalf wlH, In person. Journey to calise it comlblnes the intellectual and tlte Illany wonderful features to huve Il1'omillence ~~~1~(:~~IOI~it~!l~h~il~es~~~11~\~~le~l~haa~J~~l"~'!r~~~~~alat:~e~~~I~~~~~~~~'ntM~;e;t~~~y~a~~~ ~~ ~~~i~~21~h~~~~U~~'~~:e~o~:e;~l\~~ili~i~g~~rti~: 10\1('ant! esteem ~f L1:1!cO.llege.. laull. ao(1 forecast an increMiingly orilliant campus ami Halla Bowl. . This IS tllC fir~t time ID the history of rU:lIr~. hacked by the hearty support or the . Autogra,phed photos ~r PreSIdent Cool- ~~~tPcdnllt:eth~hn~l":~~d:~~U:~dh~tS~:~~s p[~~ Alumni. . ;~~~' \~~~~e~:.I:nt~ ~~~~l:l~ilea~~g~~:.!~r~~lj; ~~\\;;~~t~d~;O~ ~!~'s~~,s:~e n~:~\~~e~;~ ~sIO~~~orE~~~~kal~~~nn~\,~vl~:,Pl:~~en~lc~lc:~~~v~rcao~~~~nnt~l;e~Og;;~:il~e~~~l a~~lea sa~~t:;~~~~ ~i ~o~;~r h~~~~I~:~tn~~~~!I'~~~~~UCI~\~i~'hb~~;Pi~~~]I~~~::tL.W·~~·ag;~,U~~dtbe[~la~~ld~~~n\VI~il[~ea~l~ed~~:~~~IS~~~kcl~~r~~\erE(lltors Ritchee the llmosphere or the whole college nfe CIlIlJ. spoke at length on the cluo, jts pur· and Duncan is pspecislly aUractive and they her activities throughout the whole pose. Its plaos. and the nel,:9pnper. hlvcry· have made many artistic contributions that one cn,Ioyed and admired hIS speech. are the best in years. I cross purposes IlJetween the student _- -- - 'The Aloha's financial condition Ii!!firmly and the adminL~tration have been suc- Yt:AHl,J:H~ GHAl'l'LEIIS FOHCED TO established. llnd the staff ha~ more than .IlY.ironed out, ant! thiS rear the Colleg.e D1U:AK '1'ltAJNI'liG dou'ble(1 t.he income from advcrtlsements III be Immensely proud or Its most beautJ· any pre\'loul; year. The style of the boo). 'ear-book, a masterpiece of sllilled art TII~'I.I'~ llrlllfuu[ Wor1; SnlllllSJllenlf'll hy will be that of a Palhe News of the year's i~r~~!~.e energy on the part ot the lffiza.r(loll~ Tl'ip Home. ~~~V:~I~:~C~~i~~lege~:i;~n~~~.ynew features Ie Staff will IIlso (leliver personally A. The .ji"roshmen team suffere(\' defeat at Arrangement~ are now !J.eingmade to turn . LO the widow of the late Woodrow the hands or the more exp(?JI'iencedand hpt- an evening meal, later in the Spring when IOn at her residence on "S" street, tel' equippcd rival. Gilman Country School. th~ Aloha comes otTthe press. into a hanquet Jllngton. D. C. Gilman won tlle first three of t!l~ five for presenting the Annual to the college . •!~e h~~~ebainWI~1a~:~~~W~~ioj,oU:~I~etOth: ~I~tcoht~~ro~wrg.ll~~~~;'~',n~~ ti~eco~e~~s~~nt~~ wp~~eil;e:~-r~f~~l~~1 i~~:ae\~: f~ll~edi:t~~~ IflolVof President flnnling resIdes. (CllllilulIl'll 011IIH!!'l'two.) hutlon tlle fjl'!lt or :\I~y, ~------ ~, _'--·~~_r
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