Page 12 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 12
I'AGE l>IGH'l' IlLACK AND WHITE, WES'I'EItN MAIIYLAND COLLEGE, WES'['MINSTER, MD. New Star Theatre Program ~('lftlH'Lt: or H'l'H'I'In;S .'or ~O'if'h; 'J'he W('('k The regutar ~',U'lilty meeting will not be Well . .I.': 'I'hlll"~~ .Inmwrr :\\)-:11 held I;'l'iday, Fuhrurn-y 1. 140 Westminster 'l'UESDA Y, JANUAH Y 29 Richard Barthelmess 7:00 P. :''I.-Black and White cruu meets Ward Hall. WElDNffiSDAY, J'ANUARY ~O "The Bond Boy" 6:30 P. :'It.-Y. M. C. A. meets. Opera Y. W. C. A. meets alec 7:15 P. M.-W{nllen'lI Student Government. Comedy and Episode 7:30 P. 'M.-!\Ien's Student Government. THURSDAY, ,j,ANUAH.Y 31 }o'rlday, February 1. 1:20 P. i\1.-Wrestling elimination. Every- "The Dancer of the Nile" body lnvited. House FRJ[}AY. I"Ii)BRUARY 1 with 4:nO P. 1'I1.-PhlloIllaLhe~!USociety meets. Carmel Myers Browning Society meets. Pathe News Pathe Review 2:30 P.~~g~~~~a;'s~[~·R~~:ib21111team VS. Y. \11. C. A. at Baltimure. High Class Satur,dIlY, Februllr,. 2. 4:00 P. xt.c-wreeumc team 1'5. Gilman Hope Hampton Country School at Baltimore. 7:30 P. ''"'t.-Y. J. C. Clnll meets in )Iission in Parlor. Vaudeville "Does It Pay" SUNDAY, ~"'IDBRUAHY :J !ron. Tues. ~'ebrUllry 4-i", ~:~~ ~: ~:~~t~!~ill:g s~~o°rilack ami White "Merry Go Round" 4:45 P. l\1.-~J~~tmeeting of Y. u. C. A. And ~'IIut.'raes. 4:00 P. ;11. 'murs. 2:(10 P. ~I. Y. W. C. A SnturdllY 1:30 P. M. 7:1Q P. M.-Evnning CIHI.l)el. :'10NDAY. F'E}BfNJARY 4 Movie Shows Beginning of new Semester. BON SACK'S STORE 7:00 P. :vJ.-Il·viug Society. Irving Hal! Hull. Society, wouster webster I had a pup His name was Menthol .~'I"l't:X'I'WX! 0(,1) unaus, He saw my galoshes 'l'hlugs \'011 Won'l Forget And Menthol-Atum. N. P Roherts punting anrl narrvtug [he SKILLKRAFTERS INC. We have it! ~~~~~~~ ball. "HONOR QUALITY" "Pat" Henr-y run ntug interference. Manufacturing Jewelers & Stationers Philadelphia, ROY A. SHIPLEY "Boh" Gill iu buak et ball R. \Val'fleld Sterling-W. Pa. M. C. "i'ilolly" TwIgg's forward pn!lsing. Agent QUICK LUNCH "Bev" Garrett's ln-oken net.t running Ntcliolaon backing up Ill!' line ICE CREAM SOFT DRINKS "Kid" Rowers 1\11 n nplrl genomt. Prank Stllln'k ml~ht~·. sun-arm nnd 01'01,('11 nom mnntrur. Holly Keller in open tiel(! runntmr. Phone 59-M. Leroy B.I'hnm me Al1_Eastl'rn l'al'klr., n nd Sam 'I'urnr-r and cnr+r B),I',I in 1l1P aprtnt s. u(');[)·c'nr·!I('n[1tnin. -wtttee" Gibson and F'ranl, Thomns I1S:'Ii! "Tiny" Cnneo'~ P'1l('ed in car.rrin~ 265 round athleie~. lloUl\d~ or t\voir(lull Is "Pop" Langrall \'cceiving forwnril passes. Capt. Charles Kroop "Tuml)" Blrdsell's dodging Atell in footbalL ll1aniala. Weigle'!;! ct~'but in foot-bal! ngainRI Harry Allkins line bucking. )'larl( Stanley", shooting in ba~kelhnll FINE SHOE REPAIRING Preseul 'I'hlllg~ \~ou Won't .'orl!:et l!eu('t'lS0~1 orseyspltchmg Work done while you wait. W. ~1. fil·~t ~~reHhman Team Hoffa l~ie)(l. !Tall Dut. an ~llke} Drll g~nlr Special Prices for College Work. That Weaver Clayton hold's the world's The Var~lt Club record tor 1923 for the longest run from blocked pnnt, 70 yards, :lad score'd against 1924 Schedul
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