Page 85 - YB1965
P. 85
"The Great Dichotomy" ELAINE CHRISTINE GARDINER ApPLIED ART Delta Sigma Kappa (SGA Rep. 3,4); Delta Omicron (His- torian 3); Orchestra 1,2,3,4; GOLD BUG 2,3; IRe 2,3,4; SGA 3,4; MSM 1,2,3,4; sea 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 4; French Club 3,4; Junior Follies. "Lainey" ... FAW ... Toujours gai ... Naptime 403 .. "What? Only FOUR letters today?" .. The Rites to the Green Groon ... "Wap'm I gonn' do?" .. Scooters in the hall .. "Authur's three feet high now!" ... Love amidst squalor .. The Gothic Man ..... 'Even so,' returned the stranger .. " Excelsior! JOAN SMITH GARVIN MATHEMATICS-EDUCATION Phi Alpha Mu (Social chairman 2, secretary 4); Porn Poms 1,2,3,4 {Co-captain 3, Captain 4); Honor Court 2,3,4 (Re- corder 3, Chairman 4); ALOHA 4; SNEA 1,4; Junior Fol- lies; FAC. "Joan" "Yes, I'm really a farm girl!" .. Passion for the purple Loyal wrestling fan-developed own techniques and won a big match .. A "Lightner" lass ... "With Porn Poms and cookbook ... " ... Knack for the domestic. From McDaniel House to third floor on Liberty Street ... ;::~~ southern accents irresistible ... "Have needle, will "Finally!" RONALD EUGENE GARVIN PSYCHOLOCY Delta Pi Alpha (Social chairman 2, IFC 2); Lettermen's Club 1,2,3,4 (Yice- president 2); Wrestling Team 1,2,3,4 (Captain 1,2,3,4, Mason-Dixon Conference Champion); Football Team 1; Track Team 1; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; Cheerleaders 3; Junior Follies. "Ron" . "Who's a Virginia hick?" . Majored in mar- riage 404 "I do not talk funny!" .. One of Miller's psychos Waterbag wizard ... Uncle Sam's rejected genĀ· eral ... Wrestled a Phi Alph and lost ... "Need your car fixed?" ... Who's hungry? ... Married a joke (the farm- er's daughter) ... Kept purple in the family ... Crash diet artist ... Drives a dark white Chevy ... Second family in McDaniel House ... Chubs {out-of-season}. 81
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