Page 87 - YB1965
P. 87
';Wou]d you believe it-three history pa. pers due tomorrow!" BARBARA MAY GRAHAM HISTORY French Club 1,3; GOLD BUG 1,2; UCCF 1,2 (Treasurer 2); MSM 1,2; SeA 1,2,4; SNEA 1,3; IRe 1; 50S 4; Girls' Intramurals 1; Delta Sigma Kappa. "Barb". . "I don't understand" Saturday classes every semester .. "For crying out loud!" ... Graham's Law. "I'm having an attack!" ... Frolic and fun in 221 . "Bud" ... Rooms with a Gothic Man.. ROF AW ... Pax Y. . Advanced gym class Love amidst squalor . "'Even so', returned the stranger" ... "Cut that out!", "AI least it's original!" BENJAMIN BABB GREENE, JR. ECONOMICS me 2,3,4 (President 2,3); SeA 2,3,4; GOLD BUG 1,2; Young Democrats 3,4. "Ben". . Regular attendance at all home athletic events .. Summer camp is nice--to look back on" . __ Summers at a hotel in Harper's Ferry ... Silence is golden _ .. Changed majors at beginning of junior year.. Likes short girls _ The only guy at camp to get a letter every day. KAY FRANCES GRONINGER ENGLISH-EDUCATION Choir 1,2,3; SCA 1,2; SNEA 1,2,3,4; College Players 1,2,3,4; Junior Follies; SOS 3,4; Junior Plays 3,4; Girls' Intramurals 1,2,3; Women's Glee Club I; Sigma Sigma Tau. "Mrs. 'G'" ... "I'll be damned" Oh! those eyes Drives car with 2 steering wheels Estha's HONEY .. Often seen in a black slip. Drama personified ... Sexy Prexy ... From many loves to two ... Larry and Kelly .. "I'm a Marna" ... "What's one calorie more or less?" .. From Blanche Ward to Silver Run ... Authority on life ... Kissin' Kay ... Class of '64, here in '65 . Danced like a boy? "Let me entertain you!" 83
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