Page 86 - YB1965
P. 86
"Oh-" MARK STERLING GESELL PRE-MEDICAL Beta Beta Beta 1,2,3,4; Pi Alpha Alpha (Sergeant-at-arms 3). "Mark" ... "I can't, I have lab." ... Anyway, 1 finished it ... I have nothing to say" ... Oh dear! What can the matter be? ... My brains are about to pop out of my ears .. _ Perpetual sore throat. Cronk, Gronk!. SHOKO SAlTO GESELL MUSIC Women's Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Sigma Sigma Tau. "Shako" _ . "I must go to practice" ... Don't sit on your wrist ... "Oh, what the heck!" ... Aren't there any free fruit trees in this country?" ... Dear Proctor: I'm in bed. Good night. . I switched my contacts again. "8eaut.ifuJ, beautiful! But which one?" JOHN JACOB GIESEY, JR. MATHEMATICS Football Team 1,2,3,4; Lettermen's Club 3,4; Men's Coun- cil 3; Delta Pi Alpha. "John" ... Brother HORN of the LOGY CLUB ... Only man to flunk "grille" four straight years ... HORN'S con- spiracy ... A Terror on the field or behind the bar. Williams Grove 1,2,3,4. . A nickname for everybody he doesn't know ... Let's go Loge out ... World's record- 2Y2 skyscrapers in one hour Mr. Potato Head . "Yeah, I know-I'm cute" "Girls-whattzatt?" ... Loves ROTC once a month . Roomed in a zoo junior and senior years ... "But I never hurt anybody". . Sayyy- "Terror of the dirt track!" I'm not kidding. 82
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