Page 69 - YB1965
P. 69
"Aw 'Scuff,' I wouldn't fudge." THOMAS EDGAR BAGEANT BIOLOGY-PREMEDICAL Honor Guard 1,2; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; Alpha Gamma Tau (Historian 2,3,4). "Tom" ... D.C. commuter for six weeks. . "Where's your camera?". . You're not prepared, Mr. Bagit . Starch solution "Bod" ... Roomie named Pinochio "Clicky" Leader of Alpha Gamma Tau pine raids ... "I should be in the NEXT ALOHA!". . DeWitt's my fudge partner ... Once roomed with Magruder _ Shot down _ .. My date, Kodak Camera. JEFFREY SCOTT BAKER MUSIC Choir 3,4; College Players 2; Orchestra 2; Junior Follies; Gamma Beta Chi. "Jeff" ... Decided to move into Levine Hall ... Many sleepless nights with Bach Fugues ... Bio major-ROTC minor.. "Seriously, DIZ would be a great President!" ... Bloom's partner in crime-Junior Follies ... Hap- penings ... Transfer-sophomore year from Boston Con- servatory and Berklee School of Music. "But the parallel fifths really sound." RAYMOND JOSEPH DUNN BAKER ECONOMICS FAC 4; Choir 1,2,3,4; Medieval Choral Society 3; MSM 1; Young Republicans 3; SCRC 1,2; Junior Follies; Pi Gamma Mu 4; Gamma Beta Chi. "Ray" 10:00 exercises every night ... "I can't be bothered" "Empty the barf bucket". . Nassau in junior year Four years with Granny .. "It's Thursday night-Let's go sing along with Prof" . Drives a cool Pontiac but misses his '58 Chevy ... Went to infinnary to get away from roommates ... Only vice is pledge par- ~::, first graduate course--Car Washing ties. . "Wait breakfast? Absolutely not!" 65
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