Page 70 - YB1965
P. 70
"Well, r have to do something while my leg's healing:" CAROL ANN BARKER BIOLOGy-EDUCATION Argonauts; GOLD BUG 3; Dorm Council 3,4 (Treasurer 4); Beta Beta Beta 1,2,3,4 (Historian 4); Junior Follies; Phi Alpha Mu; SNEA 4. "The Bark" . Four year roommate plan ... Clyde's clan ... Lab laden ... The Wellivers . "No, I'm not a math major" ... What doughnuts? . Lover of seals ... Mean twist freshman year ... Bamboo by June. Weekly care packages ... Sets or cells ... Joy? I don't know where she is ... Fridays in the Grille. BARBARA LOUISE BARNICKEL HISTORy-EDUCATION t;:f,~~U~6L~Bt.r~~;~~E~\nv;fI:~~~:~:,4LG:~;' l ntramurals 2. Barb ... Barnash ... Bunny chef ... Tea addict ... Mem- ber of the "Office Calling" brigade. . Helped steal a mat- tress just before Hell Night ... From red and white to red and white .. "Anyone for hot water?" ... "But I'll never be able to teach math!" .. "In the first place. " Runs a general store. Owns a red and white DAWG. "Tea, Anyone?" GORDON McKNIGHT BATEMAN SOCIOLOGY Lv. Basketball Team 1; IFC 3; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; SOS 3,4; SCA 4; ALOHA; Concert Band 2,3,4; FAC; Junior Follies ... Operation Puerto Rico. Gordie ... Roomed with General Earp "Time to get up for breakfast, Eddie". . "Mallo" I gotta study. Love my sorority sisters. . Red and Blue forever ... Clap, dap ... Sophisticated Pennsylvanian ... Two days in the Virgin Islands with six coeds ... Sociology-the greatest "I've got it, Ron!" ... Who's ticklish? Where's the sub man? 66
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