Page 68 - YB1965
P. 68
"It's time for the annual SNAKE HUNT!" DENNIS JOSEPH AMICO SOCIOLOGY Football Team 1,2,3,4; Baseball Team 1,2,3,4; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; Delta Pi Alpha. "Denny" ... Speaks five languages fluently-except Eng- lish ... Ace with a steam-iron Migrated to Maryland highlands from Jersey marshland Tried triple major- Bio, Econ, and Speech ... "Why doesn't Wobs speak my language?" .. Took lessons soph year from a famous Trumpeter ... Sleeps like a corpse ... Took over Silik's business and Bio knowledge . Defensive specialist on baseball team ... "I really did get an A in Statistics." "Remember that surprise I wag telling CATHERINE ELIZABETH ARENDT you about?" SOCIOLOGY Trumpeter; ALOHA; FAC (Co-chairman 4); Argonauts (Secretary 4); SCA 1,3,4; SOS 1,2,3,4; Project Puerto Rico; Concert Committee 4; Pi Gamma Mu 4; Spring Carnival (Co-chairman 3); ICS 4; French Club 1; Beta Beta Beta 3; Porn Poms 1,2,3,4; WAA 1,2,3,4 (Secretary 3); Girls' Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Junior Follies; Sigma Sigma Tau (Alumni secretary 3, Sergeent-et-arms 3, President 4). "Cathy" ... Ideal Sigma TB-1964 Aguirre, P.R . . . . Me cause trouble?" The Arendt "We really should get organized" "Oh dear!". . "What do you think about sorority?" Chief Stinker ... Giggler ... 4 years-S roommates . . . George. JOHN WAYNE BAER POLITICAL SCIENCE SNEA 4; Intramural Sports 2,3; GOLD BUG 3,4; IRC 4; Young Republicans 1,2,3 (Vice-president 3); Delta Pi Alpha (Purchasing chairman 3,4). "1.8." ... Say, say, is that J.B. or lanai B ... Frustrated GOLD BUG columnist ... Deep thinker, very dedicated, but he can be made-to work? ... All-Grille 1,2,3,4 ... Coffee, cigarettes, and Baeranalysis in Grille 9th period M,W,F ... Studies under Floyd at Ocean City, N.J .. Captain of Frat's winless bowling team ... Hard working "Work Break" manager of taxi service to Pit and back. 64
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