Page 67 - YB1965
P. 67
JOHN ABEL, IV POLITICAL SCIENCE· EDUCATION Intramural Sports 2,3,4; junior Follies; SNEA 4; Delta Pi Alpha. One of Pappy's boys ... Worm ... French major. Favorite target of Dr. Bailer ... Member of A-IS. . Four years with "The Knee" . Developed into a real socialite? ... First string chain gang .. "Guess I'll whip down to the U. of Md .... "First what do you mean by ineligible?" Favorite son of Rising SUIl .. Perfect attendance in water fights 1961-65. "Where's the theme from Cleopatra?" ROBERT WILLIAM ADDY ECONOMICS Canterbury Club 1; Junior Follies; Pi Gamma Mu 4. "Bob" ... "What's at the movies?" ... "Some of my records are still home" ... Elizabeth Taylor. "Have I told you about the bank robbery?" ... Yellow television ... The witch in the library ... Roommate plan: 1-2-1 .. Horseracing 101, 203, 305, and 407 "I won 550 at Bingo!" .. Another day, another A Nassau and Miami ... "Carole, pass three sugars, please" . Grab the potato chips ... Twin car with Baker. PETER BALDWIN ALEXANDER ENGLISH-EDUCATION Track Team 1,2,3,4; Wrestling Team 1,3,4; Football Mana- ger 1,2; CONTRAST 2,3,4; GOLD BUG 3,4; ALOHA 3; SGA 2,3; Delta Pi Alpha. "Pete" ... Shared Good Housekeeping award with Joe Mish .. Hugin ... Always in shape ... So what? . I like moccasins. . Anyone for 9·ball? Has been known to play the guitar ... Say, what rhymes with tube? ... Often called the Stirling Moss of WMC Known to disappear occasionally. . All-Homestead 3,4 All-D-TTY 2,3,4. "The race starts when, Coach?" 63
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