Page 115 - YB1957a
P. 115
Left 10 rig/II: J. Luckabnugh, 11,1.J. Thomey, Miss Com V. Perry, :>''1. Scheder, J. Parrish. THE TRUMPETERS "I pledge //lyself to make my life a/1 example for those wllO look to me for feadership; to serve my college alld tlluse who share my devouon 10 her, to preserve the tmt/itiolls of lVestem M(lrUfulI(/ College, and to strive for tuc higflesi type of couegiate lite." This is the pledge that was taken by the Trumpeters at the Class of 1957 at the tapping ceremony last May. Membership in this honorary society is based upon character, scholarship, citizenship, and leadership in extra-curricular activities. During the year, the Trumpeters fulfilled roles of leadership in the major campus organizations. working with their sponsor, Miss Cora Virginia Perry, the group presented to the school the annual Christmas banquet. With our college experiences behind us, we, along with all women students, look forward toward the future, keeping in mind our motto-"For if the trumpet give all til/certain sound, who shall prepare himself to tile battle?" I Cor. 14:8 ill
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