Page 119 - YB1957a
P. 119
INTERSORORITY COUNCIL The Tntersorority Council is composed of the members of the sororities served breakfast to president, vice-president, ami representative the seniors who went caroling in the wee hours from each of the four sororities on the Hill. of the morning. The annual basketball tourna- The officers of the Council are delegated by an ment was held during the winter months. The annual rotation, the position of presidency year was brought to a pleasant and profitable being held this year by Sigma Sigma Tall, ln close by the annual lntersorority picnic in addition to other responsibilities, the Inter- Harvey Stone Park. sorority Council serves as ,1 coordinating, di- This year S.lW for the first time the recog- recting, and controlling influence over sorority nition of the Inrersorortty Council on the activities. S.C.A. Cabinet as a voting member. This posi- Again this year, a coke and pretzel party was tion was filled by the president of the Council. held for the sorority winning the scholastic First semester officers were: Mary Jane cup. At Christmas, the Council helped to Thomey, president; Martha Lewis, vice-presi- brighten the campus with a display in Robin- dent; Janet Perkins, secretary; and Harriet son Carden. As in previous years, the junior Stevens, treasurer.
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