Page 114 - YB1957a
P. 114
WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA With a small but enthuxiastic group of Pres- Alpha Kappa Alpha is a national fraternity byterians, the Westminster Fellowship carried in philosophy, the purpose of which is to rec- out a successful year's activities. Among these ognize excellence in the field of philosophy were a marshmallow roast, trips to Presby- and to foster further interest in philosophical terian churches in Baltimore and Washington, study and discussion. speakers, and discussions on Christianity and The Chapter at \V.~'I.C. is the Iota chnptor. related topics. Climaxing the year was the Dr. Heuben S. Holthaus, head of Western annual picnic held in Harvey Stone Park. Maryland's Department of Philosophy and Re- Officers for the year wore: Marge Hull, presi- ligion, is the adviser for the chapter. dent; Earle Finley, vice-president; and Ginni Pott, secretary-treasurer. H. McClay, A. Jarrell, C. Trotter
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