Page 111 - YB1957a
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CANTERBURY CLUB SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP \Vith a "kickoff" picnic in Harvey Stone The Sunday Fellowship is an interdenomina- Park, Canterbury Club began a year of fellow- tional organization which meets every Sunday ship and worship for the Episcopalian students morning in the Baker Chapel. The choir, con- on the Hill. The discussions and speakers, the ducted by Dot Clarke sang twice a month. Hallowe'en and Christmas parties, the unnunl In addition to stressing discussion and par- spaghetti dinner and visit to the convent at ticipation, group fellowship was realized as Catonsville, and the special Lenten activities an important aspect of the Sunday Fellowship. have made it an active and interesting-and Along this line of thought, a Sunday Fellow- impinng-year sbtp-sponsored skating party began the year's Meetings ,were held every other 'vVednesd.ay activities. night and often the group met other nights for The presidency was filled by Gardner Annis activities such as roller skating and bowling and the vice-presidency by Nancy Jones. parties. Communion was held in the College Luther Martin served as secretary-treasurer. Chapel on Holy clays and ever~ Thursday dur- Dr. Charles Crain is the faculty adviser. mg Lent. Communion breakfasts were held The Fellowship choir provides special music and members served as ushers in the local for the worship services and when special serv- parish. ices are held on religious holidays. Officers for the year were Bill Martin, presi- dent; Bob McCormick, vice-president; and Mary Hotchkiss, secretary-treasurer.
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