Page 120 - YB1957a
P. 120
DELTA SIGMA KAPPA The Delts hit the jackpot in 1956-57 with in Mcl.iantel Hall. Much time and effort were thirty-three pledges in the fall semester. Those spent on interior decoration plans. Our broth- "worms" went right to work and won second ers, the Bachelors, presented lIS with a new prize for our float in the Homecoming Parade. coffee table for Christmas. With Janet Perkins as first semester Presi- We all have many pleasant memories of a dent, and Pat Richter presiding second semes- wonderful year-caroling with Alpha Camma ter, we had one of the best years ever. Mrs Tau, rush tea and party, birthday and senior Richard Hovey, our capable sponsor, advised banquets, and many hours of sisterly work and us as we participated in many worthwhile fun. activities. Baskets of food were given to needy Delta. signifies lusuce; families at Thanksgiving and Christmas times. SigmtLsigllifies UIJil.y; Our biggest project was our new clubroom KapP(lsignifies Good FellOWS/lip. 116
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