Page 113 - YB1957a
P. 113
Fir.~/ /'Ow, lcit /0 rig"/; L. l'>brtin, A. Gilmorc, J. Gibson, D. AJll)Cr- son. Secour! forc: B. Harris, C. Gib- hcrson, D. Halc. WESLEYANS WESLEYANETTES The Wesleyans are a group of Christian The wesleyaaettes are an interdenomina- young men who meet every Friday night in tional group of college women whose aims and the Seminary chapel to study and discuss the ideals are expressed in the three words-wor- scriptures. In this way they seek to gain a truer ship, service, and fellowship. The group meets insight into the teachings of Jesus. The fellow- twice a month at the home of their adviser, ship they enjoy through studying and working Mrs. Douglas Chandler, for their programs and together is enriching and challenging. to work on projects. The activities this year consisted of deputa- The first meeting of the year was the tra- tions and preaching teams to Baltimore and ditional candlelight service. Activities for the outlying areas. Every Saturday a group of men rest of the year included work on the inte- worked as counselors at the Strawbridge Home !;irated Brownie troop, making stuffed animals for Boys. They also raised money to aid an for children's homes, saying grace at evening African missionary. meals, working at the nurse~y school, Christ- This year's officers were: Buddy Pipes, presi- mas baskets for needy families, and a dent; Tom Llewelyn, vice-president; Clarence Christmas party and spring banquet with the Kaylor, secretary-treasurer; Allen Gilmore, wesleyens. deputations; and Luther Martin, Crace. The Officers for the year were: Millie Mackubtn, wesleyans' adviser is Dr. Charles E. Crain. president; Crace Fletcher, vice-president; Marge Hull, secretary; and [uno Roeder, treasurer.
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