Page 110 - YB1957a
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First rose, left /0 right: A. l-lislcy, B. Edington, T. xru. lor, M. L. Ncims, O. Deland. Secoml e Hcid, B. Newell, H. A. Wilson, C. Davis, E. METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT BAPTIST STUDENT UNION The Methodist Student Movement is the The aim of the Baptist Student Union is Methodist Church at work on Campus. Its practical Christian living and magnification of purpose is to lead students to respect and to Christian scholarship. The realization of these better understand the church; to provide an goals was furthered in this, the fourth year of atmosphere of warm Christian fellowship; to its existence on the Hill, by increased member- advance religion in higher education; to offer ship and activities. service projects; and to lead students into an Baptist students this year participated in the everdeepening experience of the Christian life Fall Convention of the Maryland B.S.U. in through social and religious fellowship. Baltimore and the annual R.S.U. Spring He- During the year, the M.S.M. gave a Christ- treat. Other activities included sending a mas party for several underprivileged children Thanksgiving basket to a needy family, and from Westminster, contributed to \iIJ.U.S., and giving toys to children at Christmas. The Hev- sponsored a square dance on campus, the pro- erend L. J. Newton, Jr. and Miss Betty Jean ceeds of which were contributed to the West- vVeeks assisted the group this year as guest minster Methodist Church for their building speakers and counselors. program. Officers included: Betty Edington, presi- The officers were: Buddy Pipes, president; dent; Tom Miller, vice-president; Mary Bar- Mary-West Pitts, vice-president; Marjorie bara Chapman, treasurer; Ann Hisley, secre- Woodward, secretary; and Don Hale, treasurer. tary; Melba Lou Nelms, alternate; and Dick Shenton, publicity director.
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