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INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL Under the leadership of President Don The scholastically-minded group reactivated Tankersley, the Interfraternity Council has the Frank B. Hurt Cup competition. The Cup initiated many social changes in interfraternity will be awarded at the Spring Banquet to the relations; bidding, Hell Week rules, and rules fraternity obtaining the highest scholastic involving intramural athletics. Since receiving point average. voting power in the Student Government, the The officers for the first semester are dele- Council has become even more active in cam- gated by an annual rotation. The Delta Pi pus events. The Council coordinated the efforts Alpha representative is president and the other of the four fraternities to sponsor an Inter- officers are: Dick Buterbaugh, vice-president; fraternity-Intersorority Weekend, a Spring Cene Krantz, secretary; and Dave Downes, Banquet, and cooperative social parties. Alter- treasurer. ations in the assignment of concessions and dance dates affected a program more beneficial to the campus, 114
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