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First row, left to right: J. Creen, B. Bidinger, J. Lu(;bb,mgh. Second row: A. Chaplain, L. Oray, J. Luck- nbuugh. CARROLL CLUB LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION The aim of the Carroll Club is to provide The aim of the Lutheran Student Associa- worthwhile fellowship among Catholic stu- tion has always been to unite Lutheran stu- dents at Western Maryland College. It is asso- dents here on campus in a common bond of ciated with the Catholic Newman Clubs which fellowship. Through the year they have wor- function on many college campuses. The pro- shipped and worked together in meetings and grams include activities of a religious, educa- social activities'. tional, and social nature. Meetings are held The projects for the year consisted of spon- twice a month, consisting of informal discus- soring a movie and the annual spaghetti din- sions, guest speakers, and talks by the club ner. Bimonthly meetings were held at which adviser, Father Stroup of St.Iohn's Church in time the LSA had guest speakers and panel Westminster. discussions. Highlights of the year were a One of the outstanding activities this year, picnic and hike at the Pine Grove Furnace, sponsored by the National Newman Club Fed- Pennsylvania; attending the Area conference; eration, was a Communion Breakfast held at and attending the North Atlantic Regional the Park Plaza. Conference at Buck Hill Fulls, Pennsylvania, This year's officers were Carmela De Flora, which was truly a very inspirational experience. president; Joanne Trabucco, secretary; Nick This year's officers were Jeanette Anderson, Spinnato, treasurer. president and Huth Bidinger, secretary-treas- urer. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Schaeffer.
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