Page 109 - YB1957a
P. 109
STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION The 1956-1957 year has been one of progress Dr. Donald H. Card was guest speaker for und change for the Student Christian Associa- the Religion in Life Emphasis Week. His cen- tion under the auspices of Dr. Charles Crain, ter topic, "Why the Church?" held the interest adviser, and S.C.A. president, Joan Lucka- of many. With the assistance of .\IIrS. Claude baugh. Colonna ("Perk" Parsons, 1953) Dr. Card, The S.C.A. is the coordinator of all religious through counseling and leadership, helped bodies on campus. Each group contributes to with many individual problems the over-all program by sponsoring panel dis- The Student Christian Association has been cusstons, inviting speakers, and showing films. especially successful due to the cooperation of The Association is subdivided into commis- its many members. Second semester meetings sions, denominations, and interdenominational centered around the denonunettonal program groups such as the wesleynns, Wesleyancrres, with an emphasis on thc ecumenical movement and the Sunday Fellowship. and in trying to find the common bases of all In contrast to last year's plan, the commis- faiths. sions functioned as committees with the chair- Other officers for the year were David Bailey, men serving as fulcrums between the cabinet vice-president, assisted by Robert Christian, and the general ilssociation. The projects which Natalie Warfield, secretary, and David Harper, were emphasized this year were the Nursery treasurer. Schoo! and the World University Service activities-the bazaar, the fund drive, and Student-Faculty night. 105
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