Page 108 - YB1957a
P. 108
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIA liON The Student Government Association cab- A new tradition was initiated on the Hill inet is composed of elected members from the this year under the direction of the S.C.A. classes and representatives of the dormitories. Students joined with the faculty at a tree- This year it was under the leadership of Larry lighting ceremony to herald the beginning of Hall and Joanne Parrish and sponsorship of the campus Christmas season. Deans Helen C. Howery and William M. In the Spring, the Women's Council was David, Jr. This year two new voting members busy at work readying the campus for the were welcomed into the Cabinet-presidents reigning May Queen, her court, and for the of the Interfraternity and Intersororiry Coun- many guests. cils. Working closely with the Freshman Advi- Throughout the year the S.C.A. assumed sory Council during Orientation Week, the responsibility for the Rec Hall, Trntlic Court, Civil Defense, free Saturday night movies, and S.C.A. helped to introduce the Class of 1960 to the "Hill." The S.C.A. blotters were then the coordination of campus activities through distributed to the students and faculty. Soon the work of the Calendar Committee. after the mixers and picnic of Orientation Students were kept posted on the work of Week had passed, the S.C.A. was busy plan- the cabinet by the minutes of the cabinet meet- ning the activities of Homecoming. With the ing~ which were posted all the main bulletin help of other campus organizations Home- board, and articles in the Gold Bug. coming was a big success. 104
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