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WESLEYANS WESLEYANETTES The Wesleyan.'; ure Christian young men The Wesleyaneltes arc (Ill active, intcrdencm- united to provide an opportunity to witness for inetional group of college womeu-interested in Christ. The purposes are attaining a knowledge missionary and service work, who meet at the of the Bible and formulating a practical theology home of their advisor and friend, Mrs. Douglas for intelligent Christian living. Chandler. The officers were: Charles Clarke, Jr., presi- This year opened with the traditional Candle. dent; Paul Calvin, vice-president; Harold Me- light Service. The Marshmallow Roast at Harvey ~ Clay, secretary-treasurer; and Buddy Pipes und Stone was cancelled because of Hurricane Hazel. Paul Galvin, transportation chairmen. In November, the special speaker was Don Stan- The activities of the Wesleyan.'; this year con- lon, who spoke on the World Council of sisted of visitations to Christian assemblies in Churches at Evanston, Hlinois. Baltimore and other nearby areas, deputations Fun and and preaching teams 10 country churches, and a the activities. fellowship were the keynotes of all the Wesleyans, with Joining the campaign to raise money for CABE packages to farewell banquet was held in May, bringing to be sent to a mission station in the Belgian Congo. IJ close another year's activities 011 the Hill.
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