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STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION The Student Christian Association is a non-de- basketball game, the WUS Bazaar, and the WUS nominational organization under student leader- Fund Drive. The Shipwreck Danee and the Fu-e- ship, to meet the spiritual needs on the campus side Programs were organized by the Personal and in the community. lt governs all the reli- and Campus Affairs Commission. Programs on gious groups and activities on the "Hill." racial relations and religious faiths, and corn- 1f there has been any noticeable spiritual ac- munity service projects were planned by the complishment made by this group, the praise Social Responsibility Connuission. must be given to the convictions, the dedications, The SeA took over the leadership of all the and the energies put forth by the countless colleges in the Baltimore area under the Student SeA 'crs who love the Lord and who worked so Christian Movement when its president, Alan diligently this past year to try to bring the Hagenbuch was elected chairman of District [V. Kingdom of Cod closer to the hearts of the stu- Other programs undertaken were a Bible Study dents at Western Maryland. Group and the formulation of a theme for The Christian Faith and Heritage Commission the Student Christian Movement Conference: stressed the meaning of "faith" in our times, "Where Are You?" The annual Religious Em- planned the weekly programs and the Ehr-istmas phasis Week this year was under who was assisted / the leadership Candlelight Communion. The World Relatedness of the Reverend George Harper Commission sponsored the Student . Faculty by F~ar~cis Molesworth and Ira Zepp. 17 93
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