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THE COLLEGE CHOIR For many years the College Choir has played malic Art Department, was composed of carols a major pari in campus life 011 the Hill. The from many nations. The spring performance College Choir highlighted its year by partioi- concluded a wonderful year of music. paring in a Rogers and Hammerstein pro,jram The College Choir is under the direction of with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra under Professor Alfred del.eng and is accompanied by the direction of Massimo Freccin. Its Christmas Professor (Iliver K. Spangler and Patricia program, done in collaboration with the Dra- Hammersly. THE LITTLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The college orchestra, under the direction of Music Festival. On January twelfth student COIl- Philip Hoyer, affords an opportunity for students duotors presented a concert during an ussemblv and faculty members alike to keep in practice period in Alumni HHII. On April twenty-second upon their chosen orchestral instruments and to the Spring Concert was given, and on become familiar with a variety of orchestral twenty-ninth the orchestra accompnuicd compositions. from the Carroll County High Schools in a pre- During the year the orchestra gave two major sentation of "The Mikado" as the finale of the concerts and assisted with the Carrol! County annual Eisteddfod. Firsl r01l), 10 right: M. Pitts, N. Warfield,.I. Parkcr, P. werner .. \1. Nicholson, B. Ely, !'I1. .Ju~lice, B. Parsons. Second: row: Thomey, I. Pope, Q. Polk, L. Hamlin, S. Dorsey, H. Bean, N. Kemmerer, E. Baker, F. Frock. Third row: C. Clarke, S. Reed, H. Howell, i....1. BroashurSI, H. LOll. D. RoberlS. R. Shenton. , .... ~ 1 ... , ..... . . I . I - - ~ -I ~ -
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