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First nno : It_ll to righl; W. Stein, M. Broadhllrst, D. Spangler, R. Hoot, B. Vitek. S(miliflg: 5. Greenberg, L. Me. Williams. W. Cook. R. Stevens. It 1\k Cormick, n. Wilson, W. Humbert, \'1:'. Holter. MEN'S GLEE CLUB The Men's Glee Club is under the direction The \"'\Torllen's Glee Club is composed of sixty of Professor Oliver Spangler and is open to any members under the direction of Mrs. J. Neal male student who enjoys group singing. Hering with Misslnnu Lee Hohmann as accent- The traditional Christmas Carol Program out. panist, The annual Christmns concert consisting side of the dorms and the Spring Concert in of carols from many countries was presented in Ajumn i Hall highlighted lhis year's activities. McDaniel Lounge for the American Association Occasionally the club relieved the choir in of University \Vomell. Portions of this program Chapel services. II sang frequently for the were repeated at the Count}' Home during the various churches, civic groups, schools, and col. week before Christmas. The Spring Concert leges in Maryland and ne1lr·by states. included a group of early 1.61h and 17th century OUT programs included a wide variety of music, madrigals and some arrangements of trndifionn! both spiritual and secular, in addition to in. carols and folk tunes. strumentnl and voice solos from the talented members of the club. First row, lefl 10 right: B. Coeh, 1. Hohnwlln, N. Kemerer, .L Parker, 1\11'0;.N. Hering, B. Ely, B. Parsons, C. Burton. S~col/d row: W. Benson, L. Bounds,S. Dorsey. P. Hummersly. A. Baxter, S. ,\Iycrs, .J. Wise, C. Ridgely, J. Warfield, L Wilson. Third row: B. Bull, M. FO"'ier, 1. Roader, M, Hull, J. Goode, 1\1. Lewis, P. Wefller, 1\1. J. Thorncy, L. I). Clarke, F. Frock, L Brittingham, i\1cClay, P. Hill, N. Fulghum. row; FOl/flh Seymour, B. Boggs, 1\1. Hodgkiss, J. Luckabaugh, C. Galler. C. Thompson, K. Chamberlain. J.
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