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J. Reck, D. n-er, Standillg: Davidson. J. Luekahau.,;h. BAPTIST STUDENT LUTHERAN STUDENT MOVEMENT ASSOCIATION The BSU is a group of Baptist students on The Lutheran Student Association provides campus who have organized to share their study. worship, and fellowship for Lutheran Christian faith, fellowship, and fun. students. The year was launched with a picnic At the first meeting the speaker was Mr. Frank in Harvey Slone Park to welcome our new memo Lumpkin, secretary of the Maryland Stale Mis- bcrs. Throughout the year, several well-known sion Board, who spoke on BSU activities speakers attended the meetings and added much throughout the country and particularly in the to the knowledge of lhe group. Among the other state of Maryland. The meeting was closed with activities sponsored by the club were our an informal get-acquainted-nne, supplemented by Christmas party, a spaghetti dinner, and a movie. refreshments. Other activities of the Club in- A picnic at Pine Grove Furnace ended the year. cluded participation in the Fall and Summer The officers were Dottie Rach, president, and Retreats of the Maryland BSU and conducting a Joan Luckabuugh, secretary-treasurer. morning chapel service on the "Hill." The Lutheran Student Association is one of Officers for the club were: Lou Manarin, presi. the newer and smaller organizations of the dent; Dick Shenton, vice-president; und Joyce campus. But its activities rate it among the best Harrington, secretary. of the religious clubs. First rOw, '~fl 10 right: ft. Shenton, J. !-Iarrington, L. l\lanarin. Second row r. Hill. L Britiugham, C. Jones, P. Ellis, J. Everha-t
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