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Il. THE ClASSICS CLUB The Classics Club is noll' in its fifteenth yeur abled members to investigate various aspects of on the Hill. The purpose of the club is 10 ancient cil,ili7.ntions. "develop a Friendly interest in the classics ill There arc two classes of members: fuJI mem- general, and to study classical cultures and their bers are those who are studying Latin or Creek influence on modern life." Under the sponsor- or who have had two years of these languages, ship of Dr. William Hidingtoo the club has en- while associates UfC those who are interested in the classics but who have not had Latin or Greek. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS Le Cercle francais meets 011 the second Mon- Activities this year began in October with n day of every month in McDaniel Lounge. The talk by Monique Thiaude. Following this were purpose of this club is to enable students to two plays, Un. Animal Trnuouilie and La Con. enjoy and take part ill social activities conducted cierge, and our annual Christmas Program which in the French language. The club's executives included the singing of carols in French. Spring. are: Miss Margaret Snader, sponsor; Larry time meant another successful play production Crist, president; Peggy Artigiani, vice-president, and concluded the year's activities. Barbara Zepp, secretary; and Leroy MeWi! Iiams, treasurer. Sealed, C. Sipe. L. C"ist, L. McWilliams, C. Ensor, F. ,\lehl. Second row: Burton. SJlad~r, M. 'l'hiaude, J. R. Putmcr, .J. Lucka))ilugh. r01l): J. Chirichillo, J. Huye~, Ellis, E. Summers, 1\'1. Fowler, P. Simon. J. A B..,an. J. Fossell, E. Finley. F"'!rIiI row: C. Smith, T. Foster, A. Miller, D. Balcoill. Fiji" row; W. J\"iowbray, T. Seward, P. Jackson.
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