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THE oeTETTE The Girl's (Ictette was organized in 1950 for the TV Talent Tussle in which it took first place. Since then the group has been called upon to perform for many functions both on and off the campus. Its religious and secular music can be heard at leas, Chapel, and many other functions. The Delette is particularly unique because it is probably the only musical organization 011 campus which works alone with a student accorn- panist and a student director. This year these offices were filled by Beverly Parsons. First row, lefl 10 right: B. Parson, J. Wise. Second row: N. Kemmerer, P. Werner. Third row: L. Bound~, 1-1. PreUyman, i\L Whitfield, J'I'i. Whitfield, ll. Ely. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP The Sunday Fellowship is provided for men At the World University Service bazaar, the and women of all denominations. The programs fellowship sponsored a weight guessing booth. this year put an emphasis on student participa- All proceeds of this bazaar go to students here tion in its weekly meetings. An interesting and and abroad. informative series of services were conducted by The presidency was filled by Al Wahlers and various groups and denominations under the Millie MacDonald served as secretary-treescrer. Student Christian Association. Numerous preĀ· Dr. Charles Crain is the faculty adviser. ministerial students also conducted our Sunday morning meetings.
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