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THE CARROLL CLUB WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP This year marked the fifth successful year for The Presbyterian students united for the first the Carroll ClIJb at W1\,'C. Patterned on the plan time into a group for a closer, more meaningful of the Catholic Newman Clubs which function Christian fellowship with members of their de- on many college campuses, the Carroll Club nomination. An invitation to unite with the sought to meet the spiritual needs of Catholic group was extended to members of the Con- students at Western Maryland College, and to gregational and Evangelical and Reformed establish a worthwhile fellowship among its Churches. Reverend Hobert Oerter spoke at the members. Its program included activities of a opening meeting on November 10. religious, educational, and social nature. Many underprivileged areas of Westminster The dub's monthly meetings consisted of in- enjoyed the wonderful carolling just. before formal discussions which were usually prompted Christmas. Other activities for the year in- by students' questions. These discussions served cluded speakers from BaitinlOre and Washington as a means to exchange ideas nud to receive and discussions on the meaning of Christianity interesting instruction on matters pertains to the to each individual student. C(lLholic faith. The officers were; Virginia Quinn, president; Barbara Smith, vice-president; Marjorie POll, secretary-treasurer. fefl. /.0 right: L. f. j\1. Snvareesc, 1\. 96
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