Page 94 - YB1955a
P. 94
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION The Student Government Association is a com- fines. Under the leadership of the SGA Cab- bination of the Men's Council and the Women's inet, the campus or-ganizntions went all out to Council. The Cabinet has nineteen acting mem- make the Homecoming parade and displays a bers representing each class and dormitory. colorful sight. At Christmas, the Hec Hall was During Orientation Week, the SCA worked decorated and a lighted tree was placed in front with the Freshman Advisory Council and the of Old Main. Spring found the Women's Council Student Christian Aesociatiou to help the fresh- working hard on May Day to make it one of men get settled in their nell' home on the "Hill", the highlights of the year. At that lime, the "Terror" bloucrs were dis- The student body was kept aware of the Cab. tributed to the students and faculty by the inet's doings by way of a column ill the GOLD ,Student Government. BUG, general assemblies, and the posting of lhis year the SCA had complete charge of minutes. the Rec Hal! and its equipment. The adminis- In the new meeting place, courtesy of the tration and the SCA put into effect the first set Education Department, the Cabinet looks back of traffic regulations. This helped the Lranic con- Oil a busy and productive rear. They have tried jestion 011 the college roads a great deal. A to stress the student in government. and hope Tr aflic Court was set lip so students could have they have been successful. a place to appeal their traffic cases and pay their 92
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