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FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA The Future Teachers of America or as it is usually called, the F'TA, seeks to promote fellow- ship aillong the future educators. The members attended the State Teacher's Convention ill Baltimore during October and planned tentatively to hold the State ITA (Ion- vcntion here at \vMC. Our Homecoming Display, showing the cur. riculum which was in store for the opposition, won second place for us. Our officers were: Roy Etzler, president; Bes- sic John, secretary; and j o Ann \'\'alfensmith, FRESHMAN ADVISORY COUNCIL We dare say that in the past two years parents have been a bit less reluctant to leave their just- ulTived·at·WMC offspring alone on these one hundred acres. We might even stretch imagina Lion far enough to state that during that same time potatoes, sob-soaked tellers to home, and pop quizzes have been melted down to one, harmless, starchy formula. P. Hummcrsly, D Tuckwood, A Our job is to assist each freshman in adjust- S. Dorsey, E, Shepherd, I\L L. Arnie, S. Gootee. Fo",.,,, ing to the courses, professors, dubs, and even row: B. Bowen, 1\1. Warner, B. Harding, I. Pope. Filii, romantic dilemmas. Again, the unanirnnus ap- row: G. N. McWilliams, .r. Taylor, B. Myers. praisal from faculty, Hdvisors, and freshmen K. S. E. Cornelius, was: "Success." Sevelllh row: Price, Leather. 1\1. The Formula?-Just thai traditional Western Eckardt. row: 1. WhitehursL I). Roberts, P. Maryland smile and helping IHmd with an offi. Jackson, H. cial, durable sticker. First row, Parson, J. F. Weiss, C. Quinn Secolld rOw' Ely, M. Ul'perc(>, B. Hoot. J. Luckahaugh, H. Holi. Tilird ro/v: .I, Wooten, P. Me. C:oy, S. Gootee, ]\'1. Warren. FOllflit R. H'lflincs, J S. Green· W. Tribby, K B. Vi'ek. I'IJW: J. Pierce, S. i1"ed, B. H. Gmham. lOS
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