Page 122 - YB1954
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I 1st TOW: M. Nicholson, J. Luckabaugh, B. Riggleman, B. Niemann, B. Parsons. 2nd TOW: R. Brenneman, N. McWilliams, M. Eckardt, J. Parrish, M. Thomey, A. Jarrell, L. McWilliams, H. Posey. Brd TOW: L. Sea. mans, M. Leftwich, J. Randolph, B. Cooke, T. Carrick, L. Manarin. 4th TOW: R. Graham, C. Clark, B. Harvey. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT The Fellowship welcomes men and women of all denominations to its number. This year its Throughout the school year, the M.S.M. works presidency has been filled by Richard Brenne- closely with the Methodist Church of West- man. Betty Parsons has served as choir director minster. Freshman Methodist students were en- and Dr. Charles Crain as faculty advisor. tertained at a square dance given in the fall by the church. Rev. Hodgson of the Westminster Church and Dr. Hazzard of the Seminary spoke at two of our monthly meetings. Other activities for the year included the annual banquet at the church in February, and the presentation of a pageant in the church's Lenten program. The annual Chesapeake Re- gional M.S.M. Conference, held this year at Western Maryland, was the culmination of the year's work. Officers of M.S.M. for the current academic year were: Paul Galvin, president; Nancy Mc- Williams, vice-president; Howard Shores, treas- urer; and Irma Lee Hohmann, organist. P. Galvin (President). 1st row: B. Pipes, I. Hohmann, N. McWilliams, E. Schabert. 2nd TOW: N. Caples, 1. Pope, B. Crompton. 3rd TOW: M. Sheder, J. Parrish, J. Harper, M. Weber, M. McDonald. 4th TOW: C. Clark, D. Balcom, T. Carrick. 120
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