Page 121 - YB1954
P. 121
Back row: D. Brenneman, A. Gongloff, B. Plasket, C. Herdman, D. Phillips, M. Munson, B. McWilliams, E. Schabert. Front row: B. Price (Treasurer), B. Parsons (President), Dr. Charles Crain (Sponsor), C. Harvey (Vice President), M. Eckardt (Secretary). STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION The Student Christian Association is the gov- The World Relatedness Commission sponsored erning body for the religious groups and activ- the Student-Faculty basketball game, the WUS ities on campus, this year under the leadership of Bazaar, and the WUS Fund drive; the receipts of its advisor, Dr. Crain, and its President, Betty these going toward a scholarship and for a TB Parsons. sanatorium in India. The new participation requirement gave the The Shipwreck dance, the varied Firesides, students the choice of becoming active or asso- and programs relating to student problems were ciate members. Active members received recog- the countributions of the Personal and Campus nition and cards when they met the attendance Affairs Commission. requirements and joined a commission. Programs of racial relations, religious faiths, The Christian Faith and Heritage Commission and community service projects were planned by presented the annual vesper service during the Social Responsibility Commission. Orientation Week, and planned the weekly pro- The annual Religious Emphasis Week was led grams throughout the year, including the Christ- this year by the Rev. Gordon Lowden, assisted mas Candlelight Communion. by Wally Wiser and Marjean Linn. 119
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