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THE CLASSICS CLUB The Classics Club is under the sponsorship of Dr. William Ridington. Its purpose is to develop a friendly interest in the classics in general, and to study classical cultures and their influence on modern life. There are two classes of members: full mem- bers are those who are studying Latin or Greek, or who have had two years of these languages, while associates are those who are interested in the classics but who have not had Latin or Greek. Seated: L. Crist, Dr. Ridington (Sponsor), G. Antonas. Standing: T. Carrick, T. Llewelyn, P. Koukoulas, R. Leather. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS Le Cercle Francais meets on the second Mon- Courteline and of 8 Chevaux, 4 cylindres et pas day evening of each month in McDaniel Lounge. de truites of Jean Jacques Bernard. December The purpose of this club is to enable students to brought the traditional Christmas program, enj oy and take part in social activities conducted Chansons de Noel, a chorus of 80 voices and an in the French language. The club's executives impressive highlight of the year. are: Miss Margaret Snader, sponsor; Betty Nor- Second semester's activities included the annual wood, president; Larry Crist, vice-president; Bingo party, and a visit by Dr. Albert Bachman Anne Marie Summers, secretary; and Douglas of the Language Department at Gettysburg Col- Shreve, treasurer. lege, with the spring play in Mayas a climax to Activities this year began in October with a the year. presentation of Le Petit Malade of George Seated: M. Bond, N. Pennypacker, K. Phillips, L. Crist, Mlle. Snader (Sponsor), B. Norwood, K. Snyder, J. Outer- bridge, J. Giles. 2nd row: S. Entwisle, J. Harrington, E. Krantz, J. Seymour, D. Cole, B. Zepp, C. Mehl, A. Jarrell, B. Ely, B. Parsons, D. Roberts, B. Crompton, J. Luckabaugh, C. Chamberlain, H. Kacandes. 3rd TOW: M. Lease, A. Vidi, S. Woodruff, A. Gettings, M. Sarvarse, H. Boardman, F. Frock, S. Price. 4th TOW: M. Scheder, S. Kim, C. Bingham, J. Nuckels, P. Ellis, E. Baker, D. Clarke, M. Lewis, M. Simon, J. Parrish, B. Vitek. Last TOW: E. Finley, B. Tribby, L. McWilliams, T. Couse, B. Holland.
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