Page 117 - YB1954
P. 117
FRESHMAN ADVISORY COUNCIL A new organization on the Hill this year, the extra-curricular achievements. Under the co- Freshman Advisory Council was formed to assist chairmanship of Jim Whitehurst and Harriett freshmen in becoming oriented to college life. Cooley, the upperclassmen were on hand to greet Working from the original suggestion of Charles their individual groups of advisees. It was their Calary, the program was planned by the Student task to help the freshmen through the "ordeals" Government Association, Dean Howery, and of Orientation Week and their first semester. Dean David. Having been successful during this experi- The group consisted of thirty-one sophomores mental period, it is hoped that the F.A.C. will and juniors, chosen on the basis of scholastic and continue as an important organization on campus. 1st row: D. Tuckwood, B. Ford, 1. Whitehurst, H. Cooley, C. Davis. 2nd row: G. Bunting, J. Mister, M. Eckardt, P. McCoy, M. Stuart, J. Moninger, S. Gootee. 3rd row: R. Etzler, K. Smith, P. Galvin, B. Tribby, H. Taitt. I us
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