Page 120 - YB1954
P. 120
I HOME ECONOMICS CLUB The first meeting of the year was a "welcome" been the upholstering of a Victorian sofa for our party for the freshmen. Either the delicious reo use in the management house. Our "Parcel Post freshments or the ultra-modern stove proved an Party", along with a benefit movie, contributed attraction for a large and enthusiastic group of toward the cause. In January, tailored dresses, girls. Our Homecoming banner had the slogan suits, and coats from the Simplicity College "Football Woven Into the Fabric of the Nation". Wardrobe were modeled at a fashion show, thus To those of us who worked on it, the banner ending our work of first semester. looked beautiful. One of our goals this year has 1st TOW: 1. Rollins, N. Caskey, F. Corkran, B. Myers, P. Crist. 2nd TOW: D. Tuckwood, 1. Fowler, J. Wantz, G. Bankert, N. Bearinger, M. Sterne. 3rd row: B. Crompton, G. Bunting, M. McDonald, J. Harrington. 4th TOW: J. Johnson, J. Durno, M. Reinking, J. Perkins, J. Harper. 5th TOW: S. Jeffreys, B. Walz, B. Hoot, K. Snyder, N. Caples. llS
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