Page 127 - YB1954
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INTERSORORITY COUNCIL The ·Intersorority Council is composed of representatives from each of the four sororities on the Hill. These representatives include the four sorority presidents and a junior represen- tative from each group. The officers are dele- gated by means of an annual rotation system. The Council established a new method of ac- cepting sorority bids, to be effective in the fall of 1954. As in preceding years, they sponsored 1st row: J. Thomas, W. Pfeifer, F. Hubach, L. Jordan. the annual Sadie Hawkins dance in Blanche 2nd row: W. Adams, H. Posey, R. Jones, C. Silberstein. Ward Gym. The scholastic cup was presented at a tea in November to the Delts, and the second tea sponsored by the Council was held in Decem- INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL ber for all transfer students. In order to prepare the Seniors for their early a.m. carolling at The Interfraternity Council represents the Christmas time the Junior members served re- four fraternities here on the Hill. The member- freshments at four in the morning. Second ship consists of the four fraternity presidents and semester brought the traditional basketball and a senior and junior representative from each bridge tournaments, and the customary meeting club. Offices in the Council are filled by a rota- with the Freshman women in McDaniel Lounge tion system among the four fraternities. at which representatives of each of the four sororities answer any questions the Freshmen During the first semester the officers were: may have regarding club dues, initiation fees, President, Lou Jordan; Vice-President, John and other phases of sorority life. The year's Thomas; Secretary, Fred Hubach; Treasurer, activities were brought to a close with the an- Bill Pfeifer. Starting with the academic year nual Intersorority Picnic in Harvey Stone Park. 1953-54, the President of the Council represents the fraternities in the Social Activities Commit- First semester officers were: Laura Leigh tee. Through this office it was possible for the Kline, President; Nancy Bayliss, Vice-President; Interfraternity Council to change the deadline Lois Cermak, Secretary; Betty Parsons, Treas- for having Gill Gymnasium cleaned after a dance urer. -from Sunday noon to Monday morning. The Council also regulated such activities as the intramural sports program, smokers, and bidding. Seated: B. Parsons, L. Kline, L. Cermak, N. Bayliss. The Council passed a resolution to do away Standing: D. Meyls, .r. Mister, B. Summers, C. Eggan, with Pan Hellenic Council sponsorship of the M. Younger, M. Cherry. annual May Day Dance, starting the new system in 1955. This new system would be the addition of the May Day Dance to the rotational dance calendar of the fraternities. The Council re- ratified the old set of rules governing the eligi- bility of fraternity members in intramural sports. 125
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