Page 123 - YB1954
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1st row: J. Luckabaugh, Mrs. Chandler, M. Eckardt, M. Warner, B. Hoot, C. Ridgely. 2nd row: M. Potts, B. Nicholas, F. Wiess, B. Niemann, M. Nicholson. 3rd row: P. Werner, M. McDonald, E. Sano, J. Wheeler. Back row: M. Lewis, J. Waffen- smith, 1. Lewis, B. Mc- Williams. WESLEYANETTES WESLEYANS The Wesleyanettes are an active inter-denomi- The Wesleyans are a group of college men, national group of college women. Our friend and many of whom are looking forward to entering advisor, Mrs, Chandler, welcomed us into her the pastorate. Over the past year, the Wesleyans home and was always ready to offer help to our have looked forward to those activities which group and its officers: Dorothy Krug, President; they have traditionally shared with the Wesleyan- Millie Eckhardt, Vice-President; Barbara Hoot, ettes. The meetings are held in the Seminary Secretary; and Mary Warner, Treasurer. chapel on Friday evenings. Betty Niemann was chairman of our worship The president of the organization is Ellsworth services while Martha Nicholson led in planning Schabert with Alan Hagenbuch as vice-president the programs of stimulating speakers and group and Michael Leftwich as secretary-treasurer. fellowships. Our year was begun with the traditional 1st row: C. Clark, B. Pipes, E. Schabert, D. Balcom, candlelight service, We joined with the Wesleyans M. Leftwich. 2nd row: 1. Manarin, C. Wheatley, R. Leather, 1. Seamans. 3rd row: P. GaIv:n, R. Steelman, for our annual Christmas party and toured the G. Blake, T. Carrick. Church World Service Center in New Windsor. Making baby layettes to be sent overseas for needy children offered an opportunity of worth- while fun for all. Our vesper service. and the farewell banquet marked the close of another year on the Hill. 121
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