Page 124 - YB1954
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1st row: A. Butler, B. Zepp, B. Shepherd, L. Kline, D. McNeil, B. Norwood, M. McLennan. 2nd row: P. McCoy, S'. Woodruff, J. Durno, P. Simons. 3rd row: S. Price, J. Outerbridge, C. Cham- berlain. 4th row: R. Leather, L. McWilliams. CANTERBURY CLUB The Canterbury Club began this, its sixth year sored here on campus, and representation at the on the Hill, with a picnic at Harvey Stone Park. Tri -Diocesan Conference in Washington. The Communion on special days in the Chapel and club also joined the Methodist and Lutheran stu- Communion Breakfasts on several Sundays dents in preparing a Homecoming display. brought the members together in worship. Out- The Reverend Austin Schildwacter and Mr. side speakers from surrounding localities pro- deLong helped the group plan their activities. vided the group with interesting talks and dis- The officers for the year were: Laura Leigh Kine, cussions. Activities for the year included the President; Doreen McNeil, Vice-President; and annual spaghetti dinner, a trip to the convent at Betty Shepherd, Secretary-Treasurer. Catonsville, an Intercollegiate Conference spon- LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION The Lutheran Student Association began a D. Palmer (President). Left to right: C. Mueller, M. successful year by sponsoring a booth in the Thomey, J. Luckabaugh, D. Rach, R. Hydinger. W.U.S. Bazaar. Meetings were held in McDaniel Lounge or down at the parsonage. In the fall we met with several social leaders who helped in planning activities for the club. The annual spaghetti dinner was a big success, thanks to Pastor Falkenstein's famous spaghetti sauce. The final event of the year was a picnic at the Logan Cottage at Pine Grove Furnace. During the entire year, the Reverend Elwood Falkenstein of the Grace Lutheran Church was our capable advisor in religious and social activ- itres, Student officers were: Dorothy Rach, President; and Joan Luckabaugh, Secretary- Treasurer.
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