Page 116 - YB1954
P. 116
• 1st row: E. Cornelius, P. Lawyer, Dr. Sturdivant (Sponsor), Larry Taylor, Dr. Kershner (Sponsor), M. Younger, N. McWilliams, 1. Pope, K. Holt. 2nd row: S. Woodruff, B. Shepherd, J. McKeldin, M. Hodsdon, C. Eggan, C. Davis. 3rd row: P. Koukoulas, D. Haut, F. Hubach, A. Gould. 4th row: C. Halle, J. Morton, Mr. Hendrickson, D. Jones, C. Schmall. Last row: B. Ashburn, R. Ricker. BETA BETA BETA The Alpha Mu Chapter of Beta Beta Beta, a and pond here on campus for use by the faculty national honor society for students interested in and students of the Biology Department. the biological sciences, was chartered in 1932. The officers for the present year are: Presi- Membership in the society is reserved for those dent, Larry Taylor; Vice President, Phil Lawyer; students excelling in subjects related to biology Secretary, Nancy McWilliams; Historian, Irene and having an overall superior academic record. Pope; Treasurer and Faculty Advisor, Dr. H. P. The purposes of Tri-Beta include promoting Sturdivant, Head of the Biology Department. interest in and encouraging scholarly attainment Meeting bi-monthly, the forty members hear spe- in the field of biology. A contributing factor in cial speakers, see interesting films, and engage in this is the Milton Hendrickson Memorial Scholar. informal discussions on items of current interest. ship Fund which is awarded to a deserving memo This year five members attended the National her for use in summer study. Another project Biennial Convention in Boston where the Alpha this year was the renovation of the spring house Mu Chapter was the official host. 114
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