Page 114 - YB1953
P. 114
R. O. T. C. In 1919 the War Department authorized the establishment at \Vestern Maryland College of 11 senior unit of the Reserved Officers TJ'uining Corps. Today, with the mohilixation of the country's manpower at almost wartime peak, the Military Science Department on the Hill plays a vilul role in the lives of the male students. For it is in this department thaL the future Army officers receive their basic fundamentals of Army training. A student can obtain a commission in the Infantry Reserve through B.O.T,e. since the federal government has set up a lrnining pro- gram that coincides closely with the student's other academic subjects. Here on the Hill the first two years of basic training are required by the college for graduation. At the end of the second yell!", the student may enter the advllnce(1 cou!"se,ifhehasthedcsirefor further training: and the necessary potentialities as an officer. At the present time, deferment from induction into the armed services is concomitant with enroll. merit and satialactory continuance ill the advanced course. Upon completion of the four year H.O.T.e. course, the student earns the
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