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THE COLLEGE CHOIR The College Choir is one of the oldest musical The Choir presented a group of carols which organizations on campus. Every Sunday night Hallelujah concluded with Handel's magnificent for years it has stood as it stands today, white. Chorus from the Messiah. robed, singing the finest secular music of this The Choir's work reached its cihuax in the country and others. spring with the performance of Mcndeissoh~1'S Year after year, the College Choir has 1-\"1"011'11 oratorio "St. Paul". The soloists were josephine stronger and its singing 1110re beautiful. This Kornpanek, Richard Palmer, and William Biddle. year, according to tradition, it has reached new So ended a wonderful year of music, unequalled heights, guided by the moving inspiration of its in the memor-ies of the seniors, prophetic for director, Alfred DeLong and accompanied by those who will sing: next year, and a true source Oliver Spangler and Pat Hammersley. of inspiration to both the student body and all The Dramatic Art Department and the Choir others who have heard and enjoyed our College collaborated for the Christmas Vesper Service. Choir. LITTLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Little Symphony Orcbesua is under the and j n Kompauek. direction of Professor Philip Royer. On Monday The highlight of the year for the Ltnle morning, January 19, the senior music major Symphony Orchestra was during the sec~1)(1 class and the Littlc Symphony Orchestra gave semester when they presented the Annual Spring their senior recital. This year the student con. Concert. This year the high points of the concert ductors were; June Lambert, Elizabeth Adams. were the Haydn Clock Symphony and the Ernest Green, Marian Martin, Marilrn Hardester: Mell.delssohn Concerto for piano with Miss Joan Grube, Janice Osborne, Beverly Warner, Shirley WoodrufT us soloist.
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