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THE CLASSICS CLUB OCTETTE The Classics Club is now in its thirteenth The Girls' Ooteuc is D rclutively new to on the Hill. The purpose of the dub to WestcrniVIaryl1llld. It was organized in for "develop n friendly interest ill the classics ill the T.V. Tussle ill which the~' took first place. general, and to study classical cultures and their The Octette proved so successful thai it has been influence on modern lire," Under the sponsorship reorganized every year under student directors. of Dr. William Ridington the Classics Club has Each succeeding year finds the group enabled members to investigate various aspects ing in more und more activities. It has ofancientcivilizaliol150finlereEllolhenl. as a representative of Western Maryland in out- There are two classes of members: full side pcrfunnunces, it has performed at leas. and members are those who arc studying Latin or has accompanied the Choir 011 its tours. This Creck or who have had 111'0 years of these year the Dctcue added religious numbers lu its lauguages. while associates arc those who are reperLoirefor the Chapel Services. During' the interested in the classics but who have nut had spring the group loured other colleges and sunf\' Latin or Creek. The officers include: HIe)]]!"Y in Baltimore and Philadelphia. Ernst, President; Larry Crist, Vice-President: The Uctctte is peruoulmly unique because it and Connie Jones. Secretary-Treasurer is probably the only musical organization on The activities of the club included a trip to the campus which works alone with a student Wallers Art Gallery and talks by Dr. William ncoompanist, Carol Herdman. Bnd a student Macfjonald and Dr. Charles Crain. director, Carol BUller. C. Sause, ~l. Collins. P. Herman, L. L.
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