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BETA BETA BETA Beta Beta Beta is 1Hl honorary society fOJ some field of Biology in which he or she is students of the biological sciences. By reserving' interested. its membership for those who achieve superior This year the Biology Department was in- academic records and those who indicate special creased by one member due to the addition of aptitude for the subject of Biology, it seeks to Dr. Jean Kerschner, thus Tri-Beta has acquired encourage scholarly attainment in this field. a welcomed associate. Beta Beta Beta is an affiliated society of the Throughout the year Tri-Beta has had joint American Association for the Advancement of meetings with other colleges in the area, includ- Science. The chapter here ut Western Maryland ing trips to the Hood lind Ceuysburg chapters is the Alpha M\I Chapter, whose officers are: at their schools. The Annual Bcgiollal Confer- President, James Voss; Vice- President. Frances ence was held this year at Notre Dame College Scaggs; Secretary, Diane Carey; Historian. in Baltimore. 'I Donald Lurie; Treasurer, Dr. H. P. Sturdivant. The hi-monthly meetings have included reports head of the Biology Department. by various members on research in their partic- The Milton H. Hendrickson Memoria! Scholar- ular fields of interest, informal discussions by ship Fund is awarded yearly to a deserving faculty members. films, and oil-campus speakers. member of Tri-Bera. This scholarship offers to all on topics pertaining to or related to the the member assistance for summer school in Biological Sciences. 96
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